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7318 Model S20 Guide and Reference

Enabling a 7318 to Load from a Host

The 7318 Model S20 must load its executable download image from a host on the network. Its configuration file is also downloaded from the same host system. You have several configurable options that direct how this loading will be done.

Use the following information if you are installing a 7318 Model S20. This procedure configures the BOOTP and TFTP protocols to identify the 7318 to the load host. The /etc/bootptab file contains entries for those 7318s that can be loaded from the local host. Each 7318 Model S20 must have an entry in this file to boot properly. The following procedure describes the /etc/bootptab file as well as configuration steps to enable the bootpd and tftpd daemons.


You must have root user authority.


The following procedure describes how to load the 7318 with default parameters. This procedure uses the default settings in the 7318 NVRAM. It uses the BOOTP protocol to locate a load host and TFTP to transfer the load image the the configuration file.

  1. Edit the /etc/bootptab file. Once in the bootptab file you should see lines similar to the following:
    # /etc/bootptab: database for bootp server (/etc/bootpd)
    # Blank lines and lines beginning with '#' are ignored.
    # Legend:
    #      first field -- hostname
    #      (may be full domain name and probably should be)
    #      hd   -- home directory
    #      bf   -- bootfile (/usr/lib/cns/cns-s20 or /usr/lib/cns/cns-s20e)
    #      gw   -- gateways
    #      ha   -- hardware address
    #      ht   -- hardware type
    #      ip   -- host IP address
    #      sm   -- subnet mask
    #      tc   -- template host (points to similar host entry)
    #      hn   -- name switch
    #      bs   -- boot image size
    #      T170 -- (xstation only) -- server port number
    #      T175 -- (xstation only) -- primary / secondary boot host indicator 
    #      T176 -- (xstation only) -- enable tablet
    #      T177 -- (xstation only) -- xstation 130 hard file usage
    #      T178 -- (xstation only) -- enable XDMCP
    #      T179 -- (xstation only) -- XDMCP host
    #      T180 -- (xstation only) -- enable virtual screen
    The first field specifies the name of the 7318 (for example, cnss20.ibm.com). The remaining fields have a parameter abbreviation (refer to the legend for its meaning) followed by = (equal sign) and a corresponding value. All fields terminate with a : (colon).

    The boot file field must contain either the /usr/lib/cns/cns-s20 file (with DES encryption for U.S. and Canada) or the /usr/lib/cns/cns-s20e file (shipped with AIX for all countries). If you include a gateway, you must precede it with a subnet mask (see the commented line in the preceding file sample). There is one acceptable value for the hardware type field: ethernet.

    Using the legend, create a line similar to the uncommented line in bold in the preceding example. The line should contain at least the following required information:

    The bootpd daemon sends this information to the 7318.

  2. Ensure that the configuration entries in the /etc/services file look similar to the following:
    bootps  67/udp
    tftp    69/udp

  3. Ensure that the bootp and tftp configuration entries in the /etc/inetd.conf file are uncommented. These entries should look similar to the following:
    bootps   dgram     udp   wait   root    /etc/bootpd   bootpd
    tftp     dgram     udp   wait   nobody  /etc/tftpd    tftpd -n
    The /etc/tftpaccess security file, if present, must allow read access to the directory where the load image and configuration file reside.

    If you uncomment either of these lines, issue one of the following commands to refresh the inetd daemon:

    refresh -s inetd
    Note: The bootpd and tftpd daemons don't run until a request packet is received from the respective service.

    If TCP/IP is not running on your Ethernet interface, proceed with steps four through ten.

  4. Run the smit command to start TCP/IP.

  5. Select Communications Applications and Services.

  6. Select TCP/IP.

  7. Select Minimum Configuration & Startup.

  8. Select the Ethernet interface to configure.

  9. Fill in the following fields:
    * HOSTNAME                                       [capella]
    * Internet ADDRESS (dotted decimal)           []
      Network MASK (dotted decimal)               []
    * Network INTERFACE                                   en0
               Internet ADDRESS (dotted decimal)         []
               DOMAIN Name                               []
      Default GATEWAY Address                       []
      (dotted decimal or symbolic name)
      Your CABLE Type                                     bnc     +
      START Now                                           no      +

  10. Select Do.

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