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7318 Model S20 Guide and Reference

termcfg Command


Generates the [TermNN] and [KeymapNN] sections of the configuration file for terminals to be used with the tn3270 command.


termcfg [-t TermType] [-T TermInfo] [-n TermNo] [-m MapFile] [-c]


The /usr/lib/cns/termcfg command prepares the two sections of the configuration file needed for a particular terminal type, the [TermNN] and [KeymapNN] sections. The command runs on an AIX host and obtains information from the terminfo database and the /etc/map3270 or /usr/lib/cns/cns3270 key mapping file. The command writes the configuration sections to standard output. The command flags are as follows:

-t TermType Specifies a terminal type. The default terminal type is a VT100 terminal. Use the -t flag to create configuration sections for alternate terminal types.
Note: The 7318 only supports four terminal-type keyboard mappings at a time when using the tn3270 command.
-T TermInfo Specifies a terminfo database file. The termcfg command uses the conventional method to determine the name of the terminfo database file for a terminal type. To avoid having a huge directory, terminfo database file resides in subdirectories of the /usr/lib/terminfo directory that start with the first letter of the terminal type. The default terminfo database file for a VT100 terminal is the /usr/lib/terminfo/v/vt100 file. Use the -T flag to specify an alternate terminfo database file.
Note: The termcfg command reads compiled terminfo files. Use the tic command to compile terminfo source files. Refer to the terminfo file format in AIX Version 4.3 Files Reference for more information.
-n TermNo Specifies a terminal type by number, 1 through 4, in the configuration file. The 7318 needs to have four terminal types defined in the configuration file. The default terminal number is 1.
-m MapFile Specifies a key mapping file. The tn3270 command reads the /usr/lib/cns/cns3270 file to represent certain 3278 terminal keys.
-c Specifies terminal support for ANSI escape sequences for background and foreground colors. The tn3270 command supports color terminals.
Note: The termcfg command reads compiled terminfo files. Use the tic command to compile terminfo source files.


To generate the configuration information for terminals alpha, beta, gamma, and delta, (where beta's terminfo file is in beta.terminfo, gamma's key mapping information is in gamma.km, and delta is an ANSI color terminal), use the following commands:

termcfg -t alpha -n 1 > cfg
termcfg -t beta -T beta.terminfo -n 2 >> cfg
termcfg -t gamma -m gamma.km -n 3 >> cfg
termcfg -t delta -c -n 4 >> cfg

These commands concatenate the desired configuration file sections into the cfg file, which you can append to the main configuration file for the 7318.

Note: Although the output from the termcfg command is ASCII text, you should not alter it in any way. Doing so can easily result in an inconsistent definition that will cause unpredictable results when the configuration file downloads to a 7318.

Related Information

The terminfo file format and map3270 file format for TCP/IP in AIX Version 4.3 Files Reference.

The cns3270 file format .

Defining TN3270 Keyboard Mapping .

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