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Assembler Language Reference

Appendix E. POWER and POWER2 Instructions

In the following POWER and POWER2 Instructions table, Instructions that are supported only in POWER2 implementations are indicated by "POWER2" in the POWER2 Only column:

POWER and POWER2 Instructions
Mnemonic Instruction POWER2 Only Format Primary Op Code Extended Op Code
a[o][.] Add Carrying
XO 31 10
abs[o][.] Absolute
XO 31 360
ae[o][.] Add Extended
XO 31 138
ai Add Immediate
D 12
ai. Add Immediate and Record
D 13
ame[o][.] Add to Minus One Extended
XO 31 234
and[.] AND
X 31 28
andc[.] AND with Complement
X 31 60
andil. AND Immediate Lower
D 28
andiu. AND Immediate Upper
D 29
aze[o][.] Add to Zero Extended
XO 31 202
b[l][a] Branch
I 18
bc[l][a] Branch Conditional
B 16
bcc[l] Branch Conditional to Count Register
XL 19 528
bcr[l] Branch Conditional Register
XL 19 16
cal Compute Address Lower
D 14
cau Compute Address Upper
D 15
cax[o][.] Compute Address
XO 31 266
clcs Cache Line Compute Size
X 31 531
clf Cache Line Flush
X 31 118
cli Cache Line Invalidate
X 31 502
cmp Compare
X 31 0
cmpi Compare Immediate
D 11
cmpl Compare Logical
X 31 32
cmpli Compare Logical Immediate
D 10
cntlz[.] Count Leading Zeros
X 31 26
crand Condition Register AND
XL 19 257
crandc Condition Register AND with Complement
XL 19 129
creqv Condition Register Equivalent
XL 19 289
crnand Condition Register NAND
XL 19 225
crnor Condition Register NOR
XL 19 33
cror Condition Register OR
XL 19 449
crorc Condition Register OR with Complement
XL 19 417
crxor Condition Register XOR
XL 19 193
dclst Data Cache Line Store
X 31 630
dclz Data Cache Line Set to Zero
X 31 1014
dcs Data Cache Synchronize
X 31 598
div[o][.] Divide
XO 31 331
divs[o][.] Divide Short
XO 31 363
doz[o][.] Difference or Zero
XO 31 264
dozi Difference or Zero Immediate
D 09
eciwx External Control in Word Indexed
X 31 310
ecowx External Control out Word Indexed
X 31 438
eqv[.] Equivalent
X 31 284
exts[.] Extend Sign
X 31 922
fa[.] Floating Add
A 63 21
fabs[.] Floating Absolute Value
X 63 264
fcir[.] Floating Convert to Integer Word
X 63 14
fcirz[.] Floating Convert to Integer Word with Round to Zero
X 63 15
fcmpo Floating Compare Ordered
X 63 32
fcmpu Floating Compare Unordered
XL 63 0
fd[.] Floating Divide
A 63 18
fm[.] Floating Multiply
A 63 25
fma[.] Floating Multiply-Add
A 63 29
fmr[.] Floating Move Register
X 63 72
fms[.] Floating Multiply-Subtract
A 63 28
fnabs[.] Floating Negative Absolute Value
X 63 136
fneg[.] Floating Negate
X 63 40
fnma[.] Floating Negative Multiply-Add
A 63 31
fnms[.] Floating Negative Multiply-Subtract
A 63 30
frsp[.] Floating Round to Single Precision
X 63 12
fs[.] Floating Subtract
A 63 20
fsqrt[.] Floating Square Root POWER2 A 63 22
ics Instruction Cache Synchronize
X 19 150
l Load
D 32
lbrx Load Byte-Reversed Indexed
X 31 534
lbz Load Byte and Zero
D 34
lbzu Load Byte and Zero with Update
D 35
lbzux Load Byte and Zero with Update Indexed
X 31 119
lbzx Load Byte and Zero Indexed
X 31 87
lfd Load Floating-Point Double
D 50
lfdu Load Floating-Point Double with Update
D 51
lfdux Load Floating-Point Double with Update Indexed
X 31 631
lfdx Load Floating-Point Double Indexed
X 31 599
lfq Load Floating-Point Quad POWER2 D 56
lfqu Load Floating-Point Quad with Update POWER2 D 57
lfqux Load Floating-Point Quad with Update Indexed POWER2 X 31 823
lfqx Load Floating-Point Quad Indexed POWER2 X 31 791
lfs Load Floating-Point Single
D 48
lfsu Load Floating-Point Single with Update
D 49
lfsux Load Floating-Point Single with Update Indexed
X 31 567
lfsx Load Floating-Point Single Indexed
X 31 535
lha Load Half Algebraic
D 42
lhau Load Half Algebraic with Update
D 43
lhaux Load Half Algebraic with Update Indexed
X 31 375
lhax Load Half Algebraic Indexed
X 31 343
lhbrx Load Half Byte-Reversed Indexed
X 31 790
lhz Load Half and Zero
D 40
lhzu Load Half and Zero with Update
D 41
lhzux Load Half and Zero with Update Indexed
X 31 331
lhzx Load Half and Zero Indexed
X 31 279
lm Load Multiple
D 46
lscbx Load String and Compare Byte Indexed
X 31 277
lsi Load String Immediate
X 31 597
lsx Load String Indexed
X 31 533
lu Load with Update
D 33
lux Load with Update Indexed
X 31 55
lx Load Indexed
X 31 23
maskg[.] Mask Generate
X 31 29
maskir[.] Mask Insert from Register
X 31 541
mcrf Move Condition Register Field
XL 19 0
mcrfs Move to Condition Register from FPSCR
X 63 64
mcrxr Move to Condition Register from XER
X 31 512
mfcr Move from Condition Register
X 31 19
mffs[.] Move from FPSCR
X 63 583
mfmsr Move from Machine State Register
X 31 83
mfspr Move from Special-Purpose Register
X 31 339
mfsr Move from Segment Register
X 31 595
mfsri Move from Segment Register Indirect
X 31 627
mtcrf Move to Condition Register Fields
XFX 31 144
mtfsb0[.] Move to FPSCR Bit 0
X 63 70
mtfsb1[.] Move to FPSCR Bit 1
X 63 38
mtfsf[.] Move to FPSCR Fields
XFL 63 711
mtfsfi[.] Move to FPSCR Field Immediate
X 63 134
mtmsr Move to Machine State Register
X 31 146
mtspr Move to Special-Purpose Register
X 31 467
mtsr Move to Segment Register
X 31 210
mtsri Move to Segment Register Indirect
X 31 242
mul[o][.] Multiply
XO 31 107
muli Multiply Immediate
D 07
muls[o][.] Multiply Short
XO 31 235
nabs[o][.] Negative Absolute
XO 31 488
nand[.] NAND
X 31 476
neg[o][.] Negate
XO 31 104
nor[.] NOR
X 31 124
or[.] OR
X 31 444
orc[.] OR with Complement
X 31 412
oril OR Immediate Lower
D 24
oriu OR Immediate Upper
D 25
rac[.] Real Address Compute
X 31 818
rfi Return from Interrupt
X 19 50
rfsvc Return from SVC
X 19 82
rlimi[.] Rotate Left Immediate then Mask Insert
M 20
rlinm[.] Rotate Left Immediate then AND with Mask
M 21
rlmi[.] Rotate Left then Mask Insert
M 22
rlnm[.] Rotate Left then AND with Mask
M 23
rrib[.] Rotate Right and Insert Bit
X 31 537
sf[o][.] Subtract from
XO 31 08
sfe[o][.] Subtract from Extended
XO 31 136
sfi Subtract from Immediate
D 08
sfme[o][.] Subtract from Minus One Extended
XO 31 232
sfze[o][.] Subtract from Zero Extended
XO 31 200
si Subtract Immediate
D 12
si. Subtract Immediate and Record
D 13
sl[.] Shift Left
X 31 24
sle[.] Shift Left Extended
X 31 153
sleq[.] Shift Left Extended with MQ
X 31 217
sliq[.] Shift Left Immediate with MQ
X 31 184
slliq[.] Shift Left Long Immediate with MQ
X 31 248
sllq[.] Shift Left Long with MQ
X 31 216
slq[.] Shift Left with MQ
X 31 152
sr[.] Shift Right
X 31 536
sra[.] Shift Right Algebraic
X 31 792
srai[.] Shift Right Algebraic Immediate
X 31 824
sraiq[.] Shift Right Algebraic Immediate with MQ
X 31 952
sraq[.] Shift Right Algebraic with MQ
X 31 920
sre[.] Shift Right Extended
X 31 665
srea[.] Shift Right Extended Algebraic
X 31 921
sreq[.] Shift Right Extended with MQ
X 31 729
sriq[.] Shift Right Immediate with MQ
X 31 696
srliq[.] Shift Right Long Immediate with MQ
X 31 760
srlq[.] Shift Right Long with MQ
X 31 728
srq[.] Shift RIght with MQ
X 31 664
st Store
D 36
stb Store Byte
D 38
stbrx Store Byte-Reversed Indexed
X 31 662
stbu Store Byte with Update
D 39  
stbux Store Byte with Update Indexed
X 31 247
stbx Store Byte Indexed
X 31 215
stfd Store Floating-Point Double
D 54
stfdu Store Floating-Point Double with Update
D 55
stfdux Store Floating-Point Double with Update Indexed
X 31 759
stfdx Store Floating-Point Double Indexed
X 31 727
stfq Store Floating-Point Quad POWER2 DS 60
stfqu Store Floating-Point Quad with Update POWER2 DS 61
stfqux Store Floating-Point Quad with Update Indexed POWER2 X 31 951
stfqx Store Floating-Point Quad Indexed POWER2 X 31 919
stfs Store Floating-Point Single
D 52
stfsu Store Floating-Point Single with Update
D 53
stfsux Store Floating-Point Single with Update Indexed
X 31 695
stfsx Store Floating-Point Single Indexed
X 31 663
sth Store Half
D 44
sthbrx Store Half Byte-Reverse Indexed
X 31 918
sthu Store Half with Update
D 45
sthux Store Half with Update Indexed
X 31 439
sthx Store Half Indexed
X 31 407
stm Store Multiple
D 47
stsi Store String Immediate
X 31 725
stsx Store String Indexed
X 31 661
stu Store with Update
D 37
stux Store with Update Indexed
X 31 183
stx Store Indexed
X 31 151
svc[l][a] Supervisor Call
SC 17
t Trap
X 31 04
ti Trap Immediate
D 03
tlbi Translation Look-aside Buffer Invalidate Entry
X 31 306
xor[.] XOR
X 31 316
xoril XOR Immediate Lower
D 26
xoriu XOR Immediate Upper
D 27

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