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System Management Concepts: Operating System and Devices

Examples of Classification and Limits

Several methods exist for classifying a process, and all operate concurrently. A top-down strictest first matching algorithm is used to provide for maximum configuration flexibility. You can organize process groupings by user with special cases for programs with certain names, by pathname with special cases for certain users, or any other arrangement.

Example with CPU limits

This example examines CPU allocation, with the assumption that each class can consume all the CPU it is given.

Two classes, A and B, are in the same tier. CPU limits for A are [30% - 100%]. CPU limits for B are [20% - 100%]. When both classes are running and are using sufficient CPU, WLM first makes sure that they both get their minimum percentages of each second (averaged over several seconds). Then WLM distributes the remaining CPU cycles according to any CPU target share values.

If the CPU target shares for A and B are 60% and 40% respectively, then the CPU utilization for A and B stabilize at 60% and 40% respectively.

A third class, C, is added. this class is a group of CPU bound jobs and should run with about half (or more) of the available CPU. Class C has limits of [20% - 100%] and CPU target shares of 100%. If C is in the same tier as A and B, then when C is starting, A and B see their CPU allocation decrease steeply and the three classes stabilize at 30%, 20% and 50%, respectively. Their targets in this case are also the minimum for A and B.

A system administrator may not want batch jobs to eat up 50% of the CPU when other jobs, possibly of higher priority, are also running. In a situation like the above example, C is placed in a lower priority tier. C then receives whatever CPU is left over by A and B. In the above example, C would receive no CPU, since A and B were each capable of absorbing 100% of the CPU. In most situations, however, A and B, in a high priority tier could be composed of interactive or transaction-oriented jobs, which do not use all of the CPU all of the time. C then receives some share of the CPU, for which it competes with other classes in the same or lower tiers.

Example with memory limits

This example examines memory allocation to groups of processes with varying memory targets. Three groups of processes must run: a group of interactive processes that need to run whenever they are used (PEOPLE), a batch job that always runs in the background (BATCH1), and a second more important batch job that runs every night (BATCH0).

PEOPLE has a specified memory minimum of 20%, a memory target of 50 shares and a class tier value of 1. A 20% minimum limit ensures that the desktop applications in this class resume fairly quickly when users touch their keyboards.

BATCH1 has a memory minimum of 50%, a memory target of 50 shares and a tier value of 3.

BATCH0 has a memory minimum of 80%, a memory target of 50 shares and a tier value of 2.

Classes PEOPLE and BATCH1 have a total memory minimum limit of 70. Under normal operation (when BATCH0 is not running) both of these classes are allowed to get all of their reserved memory. They share the rest of the memory in the machine about half and half, even though they are in different tiers. At midnight when BATCH0 is started, the memory minimum total reaches 150. WLM ignores the minimum requirements for the lowest tiers until processes in the upper tiers exit. BATCH0 takes memory from the BATCH1 50% reserve, but not from the PEOPLE 20% reserve. After BATCH0 is done, memory reserves for tier 3 processes are honored again and the system returns to its normal memory balance.

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