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System Management Guide: Operating System and Devices

Showing Disk Space Utilization

You can display disk space utilization information with the acctmerg command.


To display disk space utilization information, the acctmerg command requires input from a dacct file (disk accounting). The collection of disk-usage accounting records is performed by the dodisk command. Placing an entry for the dodisk command in a crontabs file is part of the procedure described in "Setting Up an Accounting System" .


To display disk space utilization information, enter:

acctmerg -a1 -2,13 -h </var/adm/acct/nite/dacct

This command displays disk accounting records, which include the number of 1KB blocks utilized by each user.

Note: The acctmerg command always reads from standard input and can read up to nine additional files. If you are not piping input to the command, you must redirect input from one file; the rest of the files can be specified without redirection.

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