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System Management Guide: Operating System and Devices

Managing Backup and Restore Roles

Users in the Backup and Restore roles can view and modify any file on the system. This includes the password and other security-oriented files. Be sure that trustworthy users are placed in these roles.

The following recommendation may prove helpful as you set up your system to perform backup and restore.

Setting Up Backup and Restore

For some customer environments, it is required that the device used in backing up and restoring the entire system be protected from other users. The steps below help you make certain that you set up the system backup and restore correctly.

  1. Create a group called backup using the mkgroup command.
  2. Assign the ownership of the system backup and restore device to root user and group backup with mode 660 using the chown command to assign ownership and chmod command to change permission.
  3. Assign users in the Backup and Restore and ManageBackupRestore role to group backup using the chuser command.

This configuration allows only the root user and members of group backup to access the system backup device.

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