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Network Information Services (NIS and NIS+) Guide

RPC Table

The RPC table lists the names of RPC programs. It has four columns:

RPC Table
Column Description
Cname The name of the program
Number The program number
Name Other names that can be used to invoke the program
Comments Comments about the RPC program

Here is an example of an input file for the RPC table:

# rpc file
rpcbind     100000      portmap     portmapper
rusersd     100002      rusers 
nfs         100003      nfsprog 
mountd      100005      mount       showmount
walld       100008      rwall       shutdown
sprayd      100012      spray
llockmgr    100020 
nlockmgr    100021 
status      100024
bootparam   100026
keyserv     100029      keyserver
nisd        100300      rpc.nisd

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