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Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime Services: D-E

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DAXPY Subroutine Computes a constant times a vector plus a vector.
DCOPY Subroutine Copies vector X to Y.
DGBMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations with general banded matrices.
DGEMM Subroutine Performs matrix-matrix operations on general matrices.
DGEMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operation with general matrices.
DGER Subroutine Performs the rank 1 operation.
DROT Subroutine Applies a plane rotation.
DROTG Subroutine Constructs Givens plane rotation.
DROTM Subroutine Applies the modified Givens transformation.
DROTMG Subroutine Constructs a modified Givens transformation.
DSBMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations using symmetric band matrix.
DSCAL Subroutine Scales a vector by a constant.
DSPMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations using a packed symmetric matrix.
DSPR Subroutine Performs the symmetric rank 1 operation.
DSPR2 Subroutine Performs the symmetric rank 2 operation.
DSWAP Subroutine Interchanges vectors X and Y.
DSYMM Subroutine Performs matrix-matrix matrix operations on symmetric matrices.
DSYMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations using a symmetric matrix.
DSYR Subroutine Performs the symmetric rank 1 operation.
DSYR2 Subroutine Performs the symmetric rank 2 operation.
DSYR2K Subroutine Performs symmetric rank 2k operations.
DSYRK Subroutine Perform symmetric rank k operations.
DTBMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations using a triangular band matrix.
DTBSV Subroutine Solves system of equations.
DTPMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations on a packed triangular matrix.
DTPSV Subroutine Solves systems of equations.
DTRMM Subroutine Performs matrix-matrix operations on triangular matrices.
DTRMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations using a triangular matrix.
DTRSM Subroutine Solves certain matrix equations.
DTRSV Subroutine Solves system of equations.
def_prog_mode Subroutine Saves/restores the program or shell terminal modes.
def_shell_mode Subroutine Saves/restores the program or shell terminal modes.
defssys Subroutine Initializes the SRCsubsys structure with default values.
delay_output Subroutine Sets the delay output.
delch Subroutine Deletes the character from a window.
del_curterm Subroutine Interfaces to the terminfo database.
deleteln Subroutine Deletes lines in a window.
delssys Subroutine Removes the subsystem objects associated with the SubsystemName parameter.
delwin Subroutine Deletes a window.
derwin Subroutine Window creation subroutines.
difftime Subroutine Converts the formats of date and time representations.
dirname Subroutine Report the parent directory name of a file path name.
disclaim Subroutine Disclaims the content of a memory address range.
div Subroutine Computes absolute value, division, and double precision multiplication of integers.
dlclose Subroutine Closes and unloads a module loaded by the dlopen subroutine.
dlerror Subroutine Return a pointer to information about the last dlopen, dlsym, or dlclose error.
dlopen Subroutine Dynamically load a module into the calling process.
dlsym Subroutine Looks up the location of a symbol in a module that is loaded with dlopen.
doupdate Subroutine Refreshes windows and lines.
drand48 Subroutine Generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random number sequences.
drem Subroutine Computes the IEEE Remainder as defined in the IEEE Floating-Point Standard.
dup Subroutine Controls open file descriptors.
dup2 Subroutine Controls open file descriptors.
echo Subroutine Enables/disables terminal echo.
echochar Subroutine Echos single-byte character and rendition to a window and refreshes the window.
ecvt Subroutine Converts a floating-point number to a string.
encrypt Subroutine Encrypts or decrypts data.
endacldb Subroutine Opens and closes the SMIT ACL database.
endfsent Subroutine Gets information about a file system.
endgrent Subroutine Accesses the basic group information in the user database.
endaudithostdb Subroutine Opens and closes the host identifier auditing file.
endpwdb Subroutine Opens or closes the authentication database.
endpwent Subroutine Accesses the basic user information in the user database.
endroledb Subroutine Opens and closes the role database.
endrpcent Subroutine Accesses the /etc/rpc file.
endttyent Subroutine Gets a tty description file entry.
enduserdb Subroutine Opens and closes the user database.
endutent Subroutine Accesses utmp file entries.
endvfsent Subroutine Gets a vfs file entry.
endwin Subroutine Suspends curses session.
erand48 Subroutine Generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random number sequences.
erase Subroutine Clears a window.
erasechar Subroutine Terminal environment query functions.
erasewchar Subroutine Terminal environment query functions.
erf Subroutine Computes the error and complementary error functions.
erfc Subroutine Computes the error and complementary error functions.
erfcl Subroutine Computes the error and complementary error functions.
erfl Subroutine Computes the error and complementary error functions.
errlog Subroutine Logs an application error to the system error log.
exec* Subroutine Executes a file.
_exit Subroutine Terminates a process.
exit Subroutine Terminates a process.
exp Subroutine Computes exponential, logarithm, and power functions.
expl Subroutine Computes exponential, logarithm, and power functions.
expm1 Subroutine Computes exponential, logarithm, and power functions.

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