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Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime Services: T-U

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tan Subroutine Computes the trigonometric functions.
tanh Subroutine Computes hyperbolic functions.
tanhl Subroutine Computes hyperbolic functions.
tanl Subroutine Computes the trigonometric functions.
tcb Subroutine Alters the Trusted Computing Base (TCB) status of a file.
tcdrain Subroutine Waits for output to complete.
tcflow Subroutine Performs flow control functions.
tcflush Subroutine Discards data from the specified queue.
tcgetattr Subroutine Gets terminal state.
tcgetpgrp Subroutine Gets foreground process group ID.
tcsendbreak Subroutine Sends a break on an asynchronous serial data line.
tcsetattr Subroutine Sets terminal state.
tcsetpgrp Subroutine Sets foreground process group ID.
tdelete Subroutine Manages binary search trees.
telldir Subroutine Performs operations on directories.
tempnam Subroutine Constructs the name for a temporary file.
termdef Subroutine Queries terminal characteristics.
tfind Subroutine Manages binary search trees.
tgetent Subroutine Termcap database emulation.
tgetflag Subroutine Termcap database emulation.
tgetnum Subroutine Termcap database emulation.
tgetstr Subroutine Termcap database emulation.
tgoto Subroutine Termcap database emulation.
thread_self Subroutine Returns the caller's kernel thread ID.
thread_setsched Subroutine Changes the scheduling policy and priority of a kernel thread.
tigetflag Subroutine Retrieves capabilities from the terminfo database.
tigetnum Subroutine Retrieves capabilities from the terminfo database.
tigetstr Subroutine Retrieves capabilities from the terminfo database.
time Subroutine Gets or sets the current value for the specified systemwide timer.
time_base_to_time Subroutine Read the processor real time clock or time base registers to obtain high-resolution elapsed time.
timeout Subroutine Controls blocking on input.
times Subroutine Displays information about resource use.
timezone Subroutine Returns the name of the timezone associated with the first argument.
tmpfile Subroutine Creates a temporary file.
tmpnam Subroutine Constructs the name for a temporary file.
tolower Subroutine Translates characters.
touchline Subroutine Window refresh control functions.
touchoverlap Subroutine Marks the overlap of two windows as changed and makes arrangements for their refresh.
touchwin Subroutine Window refresh control functions.
touchwin Subroutine Forces every character in a window's buffer to be refreshed at the next call to the wrefresh subroutine.
toupper Subroutine Translates characters.
towctrans Subroutine Character transliteration.
towlower Subroutine Converts an uppercase wide character to a lowercase wide character.
towupper Subroutine Converts a lowercase wide character to an uppercase wide character.
tparm Subroutine Retrieves capabilities from the terminfo database.
tparm Subroutine Applies parameters (padding) to a terminal capability.
tputs Subroutine Outputs commands to the terminal.
trcgen Subroutine Records a trace event for a generic trace channel.
trcgent Subroutine Records a trace event for a generic trace channel.
trchook Subroutine Records a trace event.
trcoff Subroutine Halts the collection of trace data from within a process.
trcon Subroutine Starts the collection of trace data.
trcstart Subroutine Starts a trace session.
trcstop Subroutine Stops a trace session.
t_rcvreldata Subroutine Receive an orderly release indication or confirmation containing user data.
t_rcvv Subroutine Receive data or expedited data sent over a connection and put the data into one or more non-contiguous buffers.
t_rcvvudata Subroutine Receive a data unit into one or more noncontiguous buffers.
trunc Subroutine Rounds floating-point numbers to floating-point integer values.
truncate Subroutine Changes the length of regular files.
truncate64 Subroutine Changes the length of regular files.
tsearch Subroutine Manages binary search trees.
t_sndreldata Subroutine Initiate/respond to an orderly release with user data.
t_sndv Subroutine Send data or expedited data, from one or more non-contiguous buffers, on a connection.
t_sndvudata Subroutine Send a data unit from one or more noncontiguous buffers.
t_sysconf Subroutine Get configurable XTI variables.
ttylock Subroutine Controls tty locking functions.
ttylocked Subroutine Controls tty locking functions.
ttyname Subroutine Gets the name of a terminal or determines if the device is a terminal.
ttyslot Subroutine Finds the slot in the utmp file for the current user.
ttyunlock Subroutine Controls tty locking functions.
ttywait Subroutine Controls tty locking functions.
twalk Subroutine Manages binary search trees.
typeahead Subroutine Controls checking for typeahead.
tzset Subroutine Converts the formats of date and time representations.
ualarm Subroutine Manipulates the expiration time of interval timers.
uitrunc Subroutine Rounds floating-point numbers to unsigned integers.
ulimit Subroutine Sets and gets user limits.
umask Subroutine Sets and gets the value of the file creation mask.
umount Subroutine Removes a virtual file system from the file tree.
umul_dbl Subroutine Computes absolute value, division, and double precision multiplication of integers.
uname Subroutine Gets the name of the current operating system.
unamex Subroutine Gets the name of the current operating system.
unctrl Subroutine Generates a printable representation of a character.
ungetc Subroutine Pushes a character back into the input stream.
ungetch Subroutine Pushes a character onto the input queue.
ungetwc Subroutine Pushes a character back into the input stream.
unget_wch Subroutine Pushes a character onto the input queue.
unlink Subroutine Removes a directory entry.
unload Subroutine Unloads a module.
unlockpt Subroutine Unlocks a pseudo-terminal device.
unordered Subroutine Determines classifications of floating-point numbers.
untouchwin Subroutine Window refresh control functions.
usleep Subroutine Suspends a current process from execution.
usrinfo Subroutine Gets and sets user information about the owner of the current process.
ustat Subroutine Gets file system statistics.
utime Subroutine Sets file-access and modification times.
utimes Subroutine Sets file-access and modification times.
utmpname Subroutine Accesses utmp file entries.
utrchook Subroutine Records a trace event.
uvmount Subroutine Removes a virtual file system from the file tree.

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