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Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime Services: V-Z

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Vector Subroutine Prints system signal messages.
valloc Subroutine Provides a memory allocator.
varargs Macro Handles a variable-length parameter list.
vfork Subroutine Creates a new process.
vfprintf Subroutine Prints formatted output.
vfwprintf Subroutine Wide-character formatted output of a stdarg argument list.
vid_attr Subroutine Outputs attributes to the terminal.
vidattr Subroutine Outputs attributes to the terminal.
vid_puts Subroutine Outputs attributes to the terminal.
vidputs Subroutine Outputs attributes to the terminal.
vlimit Subroutine Controls maximum system resource consumption.
vmount Subroutine Makes a file system available for use.
vprintf Subroutine Prints formatted output.
vsnprintf Subroutine Print formatted output.
vsprintf Subroutine Prints formatted output.
vtimes Subroutine Displays information about resource use.
vwprintf Subroutine Wide-character formatted output of a stdarg argument list.
vwsprintf Subroutine Prints formatted output.
waddch Subroutine Adds a single-byte character and rendition to a window and advances the cursor.
waddnstr Subroutine Adds a string of multi-byte characters without rendition to a window and advances the cursor.
waddstr Subroutine Adds a string of multi-byte characters without rendition to a window and advances the cursor.
wait Subroutine Waits for a child process to stop or terminate.
wait3 Subroutine Waits for a child process to stop or terminate.
wait364 Subroutine Waits for a child process to stop or terminate.
waitpid Subroutine Waits for a child process to stop or terminate.
watof Subroutine Converts a string to a double-precision floating-point.
watoi Subroutine Converts a string to an integer.
watol Subroutine Converts a string to an integer.
wattroff Subroutine Restricted window attribute control functions.
wattron Subroutine Restricted window attribute control functions.
wattrset Subroutine Restricted window attribute control functions.
wclear Subroutine Clears a window.
wclrtobot Subroutine Erases the current line from the logical cursor position to the end of the window.
wclrtoeol Subroutine Erases the current line from the logical cursor position to the end of the line.
wcscat Subroutine Performs operations on wide-character strings.
wcschr Subroutine Performs operations on wide-character strings.
wcscmp Subroutine Performs operations on wide-character strings.
wcscoll Subroutine Compares wide character strings.
wcscpy Subroutine Performs operations on wide-character strings.
wcscspn Subroutine Performs operations on wide-character strings.
wcsftime Subroutine Converts date and time into a wide character string.
wcsid Subroutine Returns the charsetID of a wide character.
wcslayout_object_editshape Subroutine Edits the shape of the context text.
wcslayout_object_transform Subroutine Transforms text according to the current layout values of a LayoutObject structure.
wcslen Subroutine Determines the number of characters in a wide-character string.
wcsncat Subroutine Performs operations on a specified number of wide characters from one string to another.
wcsncmp Subroutine Performs operations on a specified number of wide characters from one string to another.
wcsncpy Subroutine Performs operations on a specified number of wide characters from one string to another.
wcspbrk Subroutine Locates the first occurrence of characters in a string.
wcsrchr Subroutine Locates a wchar_t character in a wide-character string.
wcsrtombs Subroutine Convert a wide-character string to a character string (restartable).
wcsspn Subroutine Returns the number of wide characters in the initial segment of a string.
wcsstr Subroutine Find a wide-character substring.
wcstod Subroutine Converts a wide character string to a double-precision number.
wcstok Subroutine Converts wide character strings to tokens.
wcstombs Subroutine Converts a sequence of wide characters into a sequence of multibyte characters.
wcstoul Subroutine Converts wide character strings to unsigned long or long long integer representation.
wcstoull Subroutine Converts wide character strings to unsigned long or long long integer representation.
wcswcs Subroutine Locates first occurrence of a wide character in a string.
wcswidth Subroutine Determines the display width of wide character strings.
wcsxfrm Subroutine Transforms wide-character strings to wide-character codes of current locale.
wctob Subroutine Wide-character to single-byte conversion.
wctomb Subroutine Converts a wide character into a multibyte character.
wctrans Subroutine Define character mapping.
wcwidth Subroutine Determines the display width of wide characters.
wdelch Subroutine Deletes the character from a window.
wdeleteln Subroutine Deletes lines in a window.
wechochar Subroutine Echos single-byte character and rendition to a window and refreshes the window.
werase Subroutine Clears a window.
wgetch Subroutine Gets a single-byte character from the terminal.
wgetnstr Subroutine Gets a multi-byte character string from the terminal.
wgetstr Subroutine Gets a multi-byte character string from the terminal.
winch Subroutine Inputs a single-byte character and rendition from a window.
winsch Subroutine Inserts a single-byte character and rendition in a window.
winsertln Subroutine Inserts a blank line above the current line in a window.
wmemchr Subroutine Find a wide-character in memory.
wmemcmp Subroutine Compare wide-characters in memory.
wmemcpy Subroutine Copy wide-characters in memory.
wmemmove Subroutine Copy wide-characters in memory with overlapping areas.
wmemset Subroutine Set wide-characters in memory.
wmove Subroutine Window location cursor functions.
wnoutrefresh Subroutine Refreshes windows and lines.
wordexp Subroutine Expands tokens from a stream of words.
wordfree Subroutine Frees all memory associated with the Pwordexp parameter.
wprintf Subroutine Print formatted wide-character output.
wprintw Subroutine Performs a printf command on a window using the specified format control string.
wrefresh Subroutine Refreshes windows and lines.
write Subroutine Writes to a file.
writev Subroutine Writes to a file.
writevx Subroutine Writes to a file.
writex Subroutine Writes to a file.
wscanf Subroutine Convert formatted wide-character input.
wscanw Subroutine Calls the wgetstr subroutine on a window and uses the resulting line as input for a scan.
wscrl Subroutine Calls the wgetstr subroutine on a window and uses the resulting line as input for a scan.
wsetscrreg Subroutine Terminal output control subroutines.
wsprintf Subroutine Prints formatted output.
wsscanf Subroutine Converts formatted input.
wstandend Subroutine Sets and clears window attributes.
wstandout Subroutine Sets and clears window attributes.
wstring Subroutine Perform operations on wide character strings.
wstrtod Subroutine Converts a string to a double-precision floating-point.
wstrtol Subroutine Converts a string to an integer.
wtimeout Subroutine Controls blocking on input.
wtouchin Subroutine Window refresh control functions.
y0 Subroutine Computes Bessel functions.
y1 Subroutine Computes Bessel functions.
yield Subroutine Yields the processor to processes with higher priorities.
yn Subroutine Computes Bessel functions.
ZAXPY Subroutine Computes a constant times a vector plus a vector.
ZCOPY Subroutine Copies vector X to Y.
ZDROT Subroutine Applies a plane rotation.
ZDSCAL Subroutine Scales a vector by a constant.
ZGBMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations with general banded matrices.
ZGEMM Subroutine Performs matrix-matrix operations on general matrices.
ZGEMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operation with general matrices.
ZGERC Subroutine Performs the rank 1 operation.
ZGERU Subroutine Performs the rank 1 operation.
ZHBMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations using a Hermitian band matrix.
ZHEMM Subroutine Performs matrix-matrix operations on Hermitian matrices.
ZHEMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations using Hermitian matrices.
ZHER Subroutine Performs the Hermitian rank 1 operation.
ZHER2 Subroutine Performs the Hermitian rank 2 operation.
ZHER2K Subroutine Performs the Hermitian rank 2k operation.
ZHERK Subroutine Performs the Hermitian rank k operations.
ZHPMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations using a packed Hermitian matrix.
ZHPR Subroutine Performs the Hermitian rank 1 operation.
ZHPR2 Subroutine Performs the Hermitian rank 2 operation.
ZROTG Subroutine Constructs Givens plane rotation.
ZSCAL Subroutine Scales a vector by a constant.
ZSWAP Subroutine Interchanges vectors X and Y.
ZSYMM Subroutine Performs matrix-matrix matrix operations on symmetric matrices.
ZSYR2K Subroutine Performs symmetric rank 2k operations.
ZSYRK Subroutine Perform symmetric rank k operations.
ZTBMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations using a triangular band matrix.
ZTBSV Subroutine Solves system of equations.
ZTPMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations on a packed triangular matrix.
ZTPSV Subroutine Solves systems of equations.
ZTRMM Subroutine Performs matrix-matrix operations on triangular matrices.
ZTRMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations using a triangular matrix.
ZTRSM Subroutine Solves certain matrix equations.
ZTRSV Subroutine Solves system of equations.

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