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General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs

Example of Data Formatting in adb Debugging

To display the current address after each machine instruction, enter:

main , 5 ? ia

This produces output such as the following when used with the example program adbsamp:

.main:          mflr 0
.main+4:        st r0,  0x8(r1)
.main+8:        stu rs,    (r1)
.main+c:        li l  r4,  0x1
.main+10:       oril  r3, r4, 0x0

To make it clearer that the current address does not belong to the instruction that appears on the same line, add the new-line format character (n) to the command:

.main , 5 ? ian

In addition, you can put a number before a formatting character to indicate the number of times to repeat that format.

To print a listing of instructions and include addresses after every fourth instruction, use the following command:


This instruction produces the following output when used with the example program adbsamp:

                 mflr 0
                 st r0, 0x8(r1)
                 stu r1, -56(r1)
                 lil r4, 0x1
                 oril r3, r4, 0x0
                 bl .f
                 l r0, Ox40(r1)
                 ai r1, r1, 0x38
                 mtlr r0
                 Invalid opcode
                 Invalid opcode

Be careful where you put the number.

The following command, though similar to the previous command, does not produce the same output:

.main:           mflr  0
.main+4:         .main+4:        .main+4:         .main+4:
                 st  r0,  0x8(r1)
.main+8:        .main+8:         .main+8:         .main+8:
                stu  r1,    (r1)
.main+c:        .main+c:         .main+c:         .main+c:

You can combine format requests to provide elaborate displays. For example, entering the following command displays instruction mnemonics followed by their hexadecimal equivalent:


In this example, the display starts at the address main. The negative count (-1) causes an indefinite call of the command, so that the display continues until an error condition (such as end-of-file) occurs. In the format, i displays the mnemonic instruction at that location, the ^ (caret) moves the current address back to the beginning of the instruction, and x re-displays the instruction as a hexadecimal number. Finally, n sends a newline character to the terminal. The output is similar to the following, only longer:

.main:           mflr  0
                   st r0, 0x8(r1)
                   st r1, -56(r1)
                   lil r4, 0x1
                   oril r3, r4, 0x0
                   bl  -  .f
                   l r0, 0x40(r1)
                   ai r1, r1, 0x38
                   mtlr r0

The following example shows how to combine formats in the ? or / subcommand to display different types of values when stored together in the same program. It uses the adbsamp program. For the commands to have variables with which to work, you must first set a breakpoint to stop the program, and then run the program until it finds the breakpoint. Use the :b command to set a breakpoint:


Use the $b command to show that the breakpoint is set:

count  bkpt      command
1    .main+4

Run the program until it finds the breakpoint by entering:

adbsamp: running
breakpoint   .main+4:    st r0, 0x8(r1)

You can now display conditions of the program when it stopped. To display the value of each individual variable, give its name and corresponding format in a / (slash) command. For example, the following command displays the contents of str1 as a string:

str1:     This is a character string

The following command displays the contents of number as a decimal integer:

number:    456

You can choose to view a variable in a variety of formats. For example, you can display the long variable lnum as a 4-byte decimal, octal, and hexadecimal number by entering the commands:

lnum:     1234
lnum:     2322
lnum:     4d2

You can also examine variables in other formats. For example, the following command displays some variables as eight hexadecimal values on a line and continues for five lines:

str1:   5468  6973  2069  7320  6120  6368  6172  6163
         7465  7220  7374  7269  6e67  0   0   0     0
number:  0        1c8   0     0      0    4d2    0     0 
         3fa0    0   0     0    5468  6973  2069  7320
         7468  6520  7365  636f  6e64  2063  6861  7261

Since the data contains a combination of numeric and string values, display each value as both a number and a character to see where the actual strings are located. You can do this with one command:

str1:    5468 6973   2069  7320  This is
          6120  6368  6172  6163   a charac
          7465  7220  7374  7269   ter stri
          6e67  0      0    0       ng~@~@~@~@~@~@
          0    1c8   0       0      ~@~@~A~<c8>~@~@~@~@

In this case, the command displays four values in hexadecimal, then displays the same values as eight ASCII characters. The ^ (caret) is used four times just before displaying the characters to set the current address back to the starting address for that line.

To make the display easier to read, you can insert a tab between the values and characters and give an address for each line:

str1:     5468  6973  2069  7320      This is
str1+8:   6120  6368  6172  6163      a charac
str1+10:  7465  7220  7374  7269      ter stri
str1+18:  6e67     0    0    1        ng~@~@~@~@~@~A
number:    0      1c8   0     0       ~@~@~A~<c8>~@~@~@~@

Related Information

adb Debug Program Overview

Using adb Expressions

Displaying and Manipulating the Source File with the adb Program

Example adb Program: adbsamp2

Example adb Program: adbsamp3

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