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General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs

List of FORTRAN BLAS Level 2: Matrix-Vector Subroutines

Level 2: matrix-vector subroutines include:

SGEMV, DGEMV, CGEMV, ZGEMV Perform matrix-vector operation with general matrices
SGBMV, DGBMV, CGBMV, ZGBMV Perform matrix-vector operations with general banded matrices
CHEMV, ZHEMV Perform matrix-vector operations using Hermitian matrices
CHBMV, ZHBMV Perform matrix-vector operations using a Hermitian band matrix
CHPMV, ZHPMV Perform matrix-vector operations using a packed Hermitian matrix
SSYMV , DSYMV Perform matrix-vector operations using a symmetric matrix
SSBMV , DSBMV Perform matrix-vector operations using symmetric band matrix
SSPMV , DSPMV Perform matrix-vector operations using a packed symmetric matrix
STRMV, DTRMV, CTRMV, ZTRMV Perform matrix-vector operations using a triangular matrix
STBMV, DTBMV, CTBMV, ZTBMV Perform matrix-vector operations using a triangular band matrix
STPMV, DTPMV, CTPMV, ZTPMV Perform matrix-vector operations on a packed triangular matrix
STRSV, DTRSV, CTRSV, ZTRSV Solve system of equations
STBSV, DTBSV, CTBSV, ZTBSV Solve system of equations
STPSV, DTPSV, CTPSV, ZTPSV Solve systems of equations
SGER, DGER Perform rank 1 operation
CGERU, ZGERU Perform rank 1 operation
CGERC, ZGERC Perform rank 1 operation
CHER, ZHER Perform Hermitian rank 1 operation
CHPR, ZHPR Perform Hermitian rank 1 operation
CHPR2, ZHPR2 Perform Hermitian rank 2 operation
SSYR, DSYR Perform symmetric rank 1 operation
SSPR, DSPR Perform symmetric rank 1 operation
SSYR2 , DSYR2 Perform symmetric rank 2 operation
SSPR2 , DSPR2 Perform symmetric rank 2 operation

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