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General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs

List of Threads Advanced-Feature Subroutines

pthread_attr_getstackaddr Returns the value of the stackaddr attribute of a thread attributes object.
pthread_attr_getstacksize Returns the value of the stacksize attribute of a thread attributes object.
pthread_attr_setstackaddr Sets the value of the stackaddr attribute of a thread attributes object.
pthread_attr_setstacksize Sets the value of the stacksize attribute of a thread attributes object.
pthread_condattr_getpshared Returns the value of the process-shared attribute of a condition attributes object.
pthread_condattr_setpshared Sets the value of the process-shared attribute of a condition attributes object.
pthread_getspecific Returns the thread-specific data associated with the specified key.
pthread_key_create Creates a thread-specific data key.
pthread_key_delete Deletes a thread-specific data key.
pthread_mutexattr_getpshared Returns the value of the process-shared attribute of a mutex attributes object.
pthread_mutexattr_setpshared Sets the value of the process-shared attribute of a mutex attributes object.
pthread_once Executes a routine exactly once in a process.
PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT Initializes a once synchronization control structure.
pthread_setspecific Sets the thread-specific data associated with the specified key.

Related Information

Threads Advanced Features.

Threads Library Quick Reference.

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