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General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs

Trace Hook IDs: 1C8 through 1CE

The following trace hook IDs are stored in the /usr/include/sys/trchkid.h file.


The event is recorded by the parallel printer device driver.

Recorded Data


PPDD entry_open: errno: errno devno: devno rwflag: rwflag chan: chan ext: ext flags: open flags

PPDD exit_open: errno: errno devno: devno

PPDD entry_close: errno: errno devno: devno

PPDD exit_close: errno: errno devno: devno

PPDD entry_read: errno: errno devno: devno

PPDD exit_read: errno: errno devno: devno

PPDD entry_write: errno: errno devno: devno resid: resid iovcnt: iovcnt offset: offset fmode: fmode

PPDD exit_write: errno: errno devno: devno

PPDD entry_ioctl: errno: errno devno: devno op: ioctl op flag: dev flag chan: 0 ext: 0

PPDD exit_ioctl: errno: errno devno: devno

errno: errno Error number
devno: devno Major and minor device number
rwflag: rwflag Passed into the device driver to indicate how the device is being used
chan: chan Channel
ext: ext Extension
op: ioctl op Command used in ioctl
flag: dev flag Current status of the device driver
flags: open flags Device flags at open
resid: resid Count left to be sent out
offset: offset Offset into data buffer
iovcnt: iovcnt Number of output buffers
fmode: fmode Type of open.


This event is recorded by the cd-rom device driver.

Recorded Data


CDDD entry_open: errno: errno devno: devno rwflag: rwflag chan: chan ext: ext

CDDD exit_open: errno: errno devno: devno

CDDD entry_close: errno: errno devno: devno

CDDD exit_close: errno: errno devno: devno

CDDD entry_read: errno: errno devno: devno

CDDD exit_read: errno: errno devno: devno

CDDD entry_ioctl: errno: errno devno: devno op: ioctl op flag: ioctl flag chan: chan ext: ext

CDDD exit_ioctl: errno: errno devno: devno

CDDD entry_config: errno: errno devno: devno op: config op

CDDD exit_config: errno: errno devno: devno

CDDD entry_strategy: errno: errno devno: devno bp: bp flags: strategy flags block: block bcount: bcount

CDDD exit_strategy: errno: errno devno: devno

CDDD entry_bstart: errno: errno devno: devno bp: bp pblock: pblock bcount: bcount bflags

CDDD exit_bstart: errno: errno devno: devno

CDDD entry_iodone: errno: errno devno: devno

CDDD exit_iodone: errno: errno devno: devno

CDDD iodone: device name bp: bp

errno: errno Error number
devno: devno Major and minor device number
rwflag: rwflag Mode of open
chan: chan Channel
ext: ext Extension
op: ioctl op ioctl operation to perform
flag: ioctl flag Memory address
op: config op Configuration operation to perform
bp: bp Buffer pointer
flags: strategy flags Buffer flags from buf structure
block: block Block number on device
bcount: bcount Number of bytes to transfer
pblock: pblock Block number on device
bflags Buffer flags are defined in the sys/buf.h file.


This event is recorded by the tape device driver.

Recorded Data


TAPEDD entry_open: errno: errno devno: devno rwflag: rwflag chan: chan ext: ext

TAPEDD exit_open: errno: errno devno: devno

TAPEDD entry_close: errno: errno devno: devno

TAPEDD exit_close: errno: errno devno: devno

TAPEDD entry_read: errno: errno devno: devno

TAPEDD exit_read: errno: errno devno: devno

TAPEDD entry_write: errno: errno devno: devno

TAPEDD exit_write: errno: errno devno: devno

TAPEDD entry_ioctl: errno: errno devno: devno op: ioctl op flag: ioctl flag chan: chan ext: ext

TAPEDD exit_ioctl: errno: errno devno: devno

TAPEDD entry_config: errno: errno devno: devno op: config op

TAPEDD exit_config: errno: errno devno: devno

TAPEDD entry_cstart: errno: 0 devno: devno command: cstart cmd baddress: baddress bcount: bcount

TAPEDD exit_cstart: errno: errno devno: devno

TAPEDD entry_iodone: errno: 0 devno: devno command: iodone cmd baddress: baddress bcount: bcount

TAPEDD exit_iodone: errno: errno devno: devno

TAPEDD iodone: device name bp: bp

errno: errno Error number
devno: devno Major and minor device number
rwflag: rwflag Possible values:
FREAD Device opened read-only
FWRITE Device opened read-write
chan: chan Channel
ext: ext Extension
op: ioctl op ioctl operation
flag: ioctl flag Address of users argument structure
op: config op Possible values:
CFG_INIT Configures the device
CFT_TERM Unconfigures the device
bcount: bcount Number of bytes to transfer
command: cstart cmd Low-order byte contains SCSI command issued to the drive
baddress: baddress Buffer address where information is transferred to and from the device; zero for commands that do not transfer data
command: iodone cmd Low-order byte contains SCSI command issued to the drive
bp: bp Buffer pointer.


This event is recorded by the ethernet device handler to track the various phases of data transfer within the device handler.

Recorded Data


Ethernet: enque kernel data device name mbuf=mbuf count=count channel=channel

Ethernet: enque user data device name mbuf=mbuf count=count channel=channel

Ethernet: receive overflow device name mbuf=mbuf count=count channel=channel

Ethernet: transmit done device name mbuf=mbuf count=count channel=channel

Ethernet: return form read device name mbuf=mbuf count=count channel=channel

Ethernet: write device name mbuf=mbuf count=count channel=channel

Ethernet: transmit interrupt device name mbuf=mbuf count=count channel=channel

Ethernet: receive interrupt device name mbuf=mbuf count=count channel=channel

device name The /dev entry point for this device
mbuf=mbuf Address of the mbuf that contains the user data
count=count Number of bytes of user data to be transferred
channel=channel Channel number of the process that opened the device.


This event is recorded by the token ring device driver.

Recorded Data


Token Ring: enque kernel data device name mbuf=mbuf count=count channel=channel

Token Ring: enque user data device name mbuf=mbuf count=count channel=channel

Token Ring: receive overflow device name mbuf=mbuf count=count channel=channel

Token Ring: transmit done device name mbuf=mbuf count=count channel=channel

Token Ring: return form read device name mbuf=mbuf count=count channel=channel

Token Ring: write device name mbuf=mbuf count=count channel=channel

Token Ring: transmit interrupt device name mbuf=mbuf count=count channel=channel

Token Ring: receive interrupt device name mbuf=mbuf count=count channel=channel

device name The /dev entry point for this device
mbuf=mbuf Address of the mbuf which contains the user data
count=count Number of bytes of user data to be transferred
channel=channel Channel number of the process that opened the device.

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