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Kernel Extensions and Device Support Programming Concepts

ataide_buf Structure

The ataide_buf structure is used for communication between the IDE device driver and the IDE adapter device driver during an initiator I/O request. This structure is passed to and from the strategy routine in the same way a standard driver uses a struct buf structure.

Fields in the ataide_buf Structure

The ataide_buf structure contains certain fields used to pass an IDE command and associated parameters to the IDE adapter device driver. Other fields within this structure are used to pass returned status back to the IDE device driver. The ataide_buf structure is defined in the /usr/include/sys/ide.h file.

Fields in the ataide_buf structure are used as follows:

  1. Reserved fields should be set to a value of 0, except where noted.
  2. The bufstruct field contains a copy of the standard buf buffer structure that documents the I/O request. Included in this structure, for example, are the buffer address, byte count, and transfer direction. The b_work field in the buf structure is reserved for use by the IDE adapter device driver. The current definition of the buf structure is in the /usr/include/sys/buf.h include file.
  3. The bp field points to the original buffer structure received by the IDE device driver from the caller, if any. This can be a chain of entries in the case of spanned transfers (IDE commands that transfer data from or to more than one system-memory buffer). A null pointer indicates a nonspanned transfer. The null value specifically tells the IDE adapter device driver all the information needed to perform the DMA data transfer is contained in the bufstruct fields of the ataide_buf structure. If the bp field is set to a non-null value, the ataide_buf.sg_ptr field must have a value of null, or else the operation is not allowed.
  4. The ata field, defined as an ata_cmd structure, contains the IDE command (ATA or ATAPI), status, error indicator, and a flag variable:
  5. The sg_ptr field is set to a non-null value to indicate a request for a gathered write. A gathered write means the IDE command conducts a system-to-device data transfer where multiple, noncontiguous system buffers contain the write data. This data is transferred in order as a single data transfer for the IDE command in this ataide_buf structure.

    The contents of the sg_ptr field, if non-null, must be a pointer to the uio structure that is passed to the IDE device driver. The IDE adapter device driver treats the sg_ptr field as a pointer to a uio structure that accesses the iovec structures containing pointers to the data. There are no address-alignment restrictions on the data in the iovec structures. The only restriction is that the total transfer length of all the data must not exceed the maximum transfer length for the adapter device driver.

    The ataide_buf.bufstruct.b_un.b_addr field normally contains the starting system-buffer address and is ignored and can be altered by the IDE adapter device driver when the ataide_buf is returned. The ataide_buf.bufstruct.b_bcount field should be set by the caller to the total transfer length for the data.

  6. The timeout_value field specifies the time-out limit (in seconds) to be used for completion of this command. A time-out value of 0 means no time-out is applied to this I/O request.
  7. The status_validity field contains an output parameter that can have the following bit flags as a value:
    ATA_IDE_STATUS The ata.status field is valid.
    ATA_ERROR_VALID The ata.errval field contains a valid error indicator.
    ATA_CMD_TIMEOUT The IDE adapter driver caused the command to time out.
    ATA_NO_DEVICE_RESPONSE The IDE device is not ready.
    ATA_IDE_DMA_ERROR The IDE adapter driver encountered a DMA error.
    ATA_IDE_DMA_NORES The IDE adapter driver was not able to transfer entire request. The bufstruct.b_resid contains the count not transferred.

If an error is detected during execution of an IDE command, and the error prevented the IDE command from actually being sent to the IDE bus by the adapter, then the error should be processed or recovered, or both, by the IDE adapter device driver.

If it is recovered successfully by the IDE adapter device driver, the error is logged, as appropriate, but is not reflected in the ata.errval byte. If the error cannot be recovered by the IDE adapter device driver, the appropriate ata.errval bit is set and the ataide_buf structure is returned to the IDE device driver for further processing.

If an error is detected after the command was actually sent to the IDE device, then it should be processed or recovered, or both, by the IDE device driver.

For error logging, the IDE adapter device driver logs IDE bus- and adapter-related conditions, while the IDE device driver logs IDE device-related errors. In the following description, a capital letter "A" after the error name indicates that the IDE adapter device driver handles error logging. A capital letter "H" indicates that the IDE device driver handles error logging.

Some of the following error conditions indicate an IDE device failure. Others are IDE bus- or adapter-related.

ATA_IDE_DMA_ERROR (A) The system I/O bus generated or detected an error during a DMA transfer.
ATA_ERROR_VALID (H) The request sent to the device failed.
ATA_CMD_TIMEOUT (H) The command timed out before completion.
ATA_NO_DEVICE_RESPONSE (A) The target device did not respond.
ATA_IDE_BUS_RESET (A) The adapter indicated the IDE bus reset failed.

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