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Kernel Extensions and Device Support Programming Concepts

Understanding FCP Asynchronous Event Handling

Note: This operation is not supported by all FCP I/O controllers.

A FCP device driver can register a particular device instance for receiving asynchronous event status by calling the SCIOLEVENT ioctl operation for the FCP-adapter device driver. When an event covered by the SCIOLEVENT ioctl operation is detected by the FCP adapter device driver, it builds an scsi_event_info structure and passes a pointer to the structure and to the asynchronous event-handler routine entry point, which was previously registered. The fields in the structure are filled in by the FCP adapter device driver as follows:

For initiator mode, this is set to the SCSI ID of the attached FCP target device. For target mode, this is set to the SCSI ID of the attached FCP initiator device.

For initiator mode, this is set to the SCSI LUN of the attached FCP target device. For target mode, this is set to 0).

Identifies whether the initiator or target mode device is being reported. The following values are possible:

An initiator mode device is being reported.

A target mode device is being reported.
This field is set to indicate what event or events are being reported. The following values are possible, as defined in the /usr/include/sys/scsi.h file:

A fatal adapter hardware error occurred.

An unrecoverable adapter command failure occurred.

A FCP transport layer reset was detected.

In target-mode, a maximum buffer usage event has occurred.

This field is set to indicate the device major and minor numbers of the adapter on which the device is located.

This field is set to the value passed to the FCP adapter device driver in the scsi_event_struct structure. The FCP device driver may optionally use this field to provide an efficient means of associating event status with the device instance it goes with. Alternatively, the FCP device driver would use the combination of the id, lun, mode, and adap_devno fields to identify the device instance.

The information reported in the scsi_event_info.events field does not queue to the FCP device driver, but is instead reported as one or more flags as they occur. Since the data does not queue, the FCP adapter device driver writer can use a single scsi_event_info structure and pass it one at a time, by pointer, to each asynchronous event handler routine for the appropriate device instance. After determining for which device the events are being reported, the FCP device driver must copy the scsi_event_info.events field into local space and must not modify the contents of the rest of the scsi_event_info structure.

Since the event status is optional, the FCP device driver writer determines what action is necessary to take upon receiving event status. The writer may decide to save the status and report it back to the calling application, or the FCP device driver or application level program can take error recovery actions.

Defined Events and Recovery Actions

The adapter fatal hardware failure event is intended to indicate that no further commands to or from this FCP device are likely to succeed, since the adapter it is attached to has failed. It is recommended that the application end the session with the device.

The unrecoverable adapter command failure event is not necessarily a fatal condition, but it can indicate that the adapter is not functioning properly. Possible actions by the application program include:

The SCSI Reset detection event is mainly intended as information only, but may be used by the application to perform further actions, if necessary.

The maximum buffer usage detected event only applies to a given target-mode device; it will not be reported for an initiator-mode device. This event indicates to the application that this particular target-mode device instance has filled its maximum allotted buffer space. The application should perform read system calls fast enough to prevent this condition. If this event occurs, data is not lost, but it is delayed to prevent further buffer usage. Data reception will be restored when the application empties enough buffers to continue reasonable operations. The num_bufs attribute may need to be increased to help minimize this problem. Also, it is possible that regardless of the number of buffers, the application simply is not processing received data fast enough. This may require some fine tuning of the application's data processing routines.

Asynchronous Event-Handling Routine

The FCP-device driver asynchronous event-handling routine is typically called directly from the hardware interrupt-handling routine for the FCP adapter device driver. The FCP device driver writer must be aware of how this affects the design of the FCP device driver.

Since the event handling routine is running on the hardware interrupt level, the FCP device driver must be careful to limit operations in that routine. Processing should be kept to a minimum. In particular, if any error recovery actions are performed, it is recommended that the event-handling routine set state or status flags only and allow a process level routine to perform the actual operations.

The FCP device driver must be careful to disable interrupts at the correct level in places where the FCP device driver's lower execution priority routines manipulate variables that are also modified by the event-handling routine. To allow the FCP device driver to disable at the correct level, the FCP adapter device driver writer must provide a configuration database attribute that defines the interrupt class, or priority, it runs on. This attribute must be named intr_priority so that the FCP device driver configuration method knows which attribute of the parent adapter to query. The FCP device driver configuration method should then pass this interrupt priority value to the FCP device driver along with other configuration data for the device instance.

The FCP device driver writer must follow any other general system rules for writing a routine which must execute in an interrupt environment. For example, the routine must not attempt to sleep or wait on I/O operations. It can perform wakeups to allow the process level to handle those operations.

Since the FCP device driver copies the information from the scsi_event_info.events field on each call to its asynchronous event-handling routine, there is no resource to free or any information which must be passed back later to the FCP adapter device driver.

Related Information

FCP Subsystem Overview

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