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Kernel Extensions and Device Support Programming Concepts

High-Performance (8fc8) Token-Ring Device Driver

The 8fc8 Token-Ring device driver is a dynamically loadable device driver that will run on a system running AIX Version 4.1 (or later). The device driver will be automatically loaded into the system at device configuration time as part of the configuration process.

The interface to the device is through the kernel services known as Network Services.

Interfacing to the device driver is achieved by calling the device driver's entry points for opening the device, closing the device, transmitting data, doing a remote dump, and issuing device control commands.

The Token-Ring device driver interfaces with the Token-Ring High-Performance Network Adapter (8fc8). It provides a Micro Channel-based connection to a Token-Ring network. The adapter is IEEE 802.5 compatible and supports both 4 and 16 megabit per second networks. The adapter supports only a Shielded Twisted-Pair (STP) Token-Ring connection.

Configuration Parameters for Token-Ring Device Driver

Ring Speed The device driver will support a user configurable parameter which indicates if the Token-Ring is to be run at 4 or 16 megabits per second.
Software Transmit Queue The device driver will support a user configurable transmit queue, that can be set to store between 32 and 160 transmit request pointers. Each transmit request pointer corresponds to a transmit request which may be for several buffers of data.
Attention MAC frames The device driver will support a user configurable parameter that indicates if attention MAC frames should be received.
Beacon MAC frames The device driver will support a user configurable parameter that indicates if beacon MAC frames should be received.
Network Address The driver supports the use of the device's hardware address as the network address or an alternate network address configured through software. When an alternate address is used, any valid individual address can be used. The most significant bit of the address must be set to zero (definition of an individual address).

Device Driver Configuration and Unconfiguration

The tok_config entry point performs configuration functions Token-Ring device driver.

Device Driver Open

The tok_open function is called to open the specified network device.

The Token Ring device driver does an asynchronous open. It starts the process of attaching the device to the network, sets the NDD_UP flag in the ndd_flags field, and returns 0. The network attachment will continue in the background where it is driven by device activity and system timers.

Note: The Network Services ns_alloc routine which calls this open routine causes the open to be synchronous. It waits until the NDD_RUNNING flag is set in the ndd_flags field or 60 seconds have passed.

If the connection is successful, the NDD_RUNNING flag will be set in the ndd_flags field and a NDD_CONNECTED status block will be sent. The ns_alloc routine will return at this time.

If the device connection fails, the NDD_LIMBO flag will be set in the ndd_flags field and a NDD_LIMBO_ENTRY status block will be sent.

If the device is eventually connected, the NDD_LIMBO flag will be turned off and the NDD_RUNNING flag will be set in the ndd_flags field. Both NDD_CONNECTED and NDD_LIMBO_EXIT status blocks will be set.

Device Driver Close

The tok_close function is called to close the specified network device. This function resets the device to a known state and frees system resources associated with the device.

The device will not be detached from the network until the device's transmit queue is allowed to drain.

Data Transmission

The tok_output function transmits data using the network device.

The device driver does not support mbufs from user memory (which have the M_EXT flag set).

If the destination address in the packet is a broadcast address, the M_BCAST flag in the p_mbuf->m_flags field should be set prior to entering this routine. A broadcast address is defined as 0xFFFF FFFF FFFF or 0xC000 FFFF FFFF. If the destination address in the packet is a multicast address the M_MCAST flag in the p_mbuf->m_flags field should be set prior to entering this routine. A multicast address is defined as a non-individual address other than a broadcast address. The device driver will keep statistics based upon the M_BCAST and M_MCAST flags.

If a packet is transmitted with a destination address which matches the adapter's address, the packet will be received. This is true for the adapter's physical address, broadcast addresses (0xC000 FFFF FFFF or 0xFFFF FFFF FFFF), enabled functional addresses, or an enabled group address.

Data Reception

When the Token-Ring device driver receives a valid packet from the network device, the Token-Ring device driver calls the nd_receive function that is specified in the ndd_t structure of the network device. The nd_receive function is part of a CDLI network demuxer. The packet is passed to the nd_receive function in mbufs.

The Token-Ring device driver passes one packet to the nd_receive function at a time.

The device driver sets the M_BCAST flag in the p_mbuf->m_flags field when a packet is received which has an all-stations broadcast address. This address is defined as 0xFFFF FFFF FFFF or 0xC000 FFFF FFFF.

The device driver sets the M_MCAST flag in the p_mbuf->m_flags field when a packet is received which has a non-individual address that is different than the all-stations broadcast address.

The adapter does not pass invalid packets to the device driver.

Asynchronous Status

When a status event occurs on the device, the Token-Ring device driver builds the appropriate status block and calls the nd_status function that is specified in the ndd_t structure of the network device. The nd_status function is part of a CDLI network demuxer.

The following Status Blocks are defined for the Token-Ring device driver.

Hard Failure

When a hard failure has occurred on the Token-Ring device, the following status blocks can be returned by the Token-Ring device driver. One of these status blocks indicates that a fatal error occurred.


When a PIO error occurs, it is retried 3 times. If the error still occurs, it is considered unrecoverable and this status block is generated.

code Set to NDD_HARD_FAIL
option[0] Set to NDD_PIO_FAIL
option[] The remainder of the status block may be used to return additional status information.

When most network errors occur, they are retried. Some errors are retried with no limit and others have a recovery threshold. Errors that have a recovery threshold and fail all the retries specified by the recovery threshold are considered unrecoverable and generate the following status block:

code Set to NDD_HARD_FAIL
option[0] Set to TOK_RECOVERY_THRESH
option[1] The specific error which occurred. Possible values are:
  • TOK_DUP_ADDR - duplicate node address
  • TOK_PERM_HW_ERR - the device has an unrecoverable hardware error
  • TOK_RING_SPEED - ring beaconing on physical insertion to the ring
  • TOK_RMV_ADAP - remove ring station MAC frame received

Enter Network Recovery Mode

When the device driver has detected an error which requires initiating recovery logic that will make the device temporarily unavailable, the following status block is returned by the device driver:

Note: While the device driver is in this recovery logic, the device may not be fully functional. The device driver will notify users when the device is fully functional by way of an NDD_LIMBO_EXIT asynchronous status block.

When an adapter check has occurred, this status block is generated.

option[0] Set to NDD_ADAP_CHECK
option[1] The adapter check interrupt information is stored in the 2 high-order bytes. The adapter also returns three two-byte parameters. Parameter 0 is stored in the 2 low-order bytes.
option[2] Parameter 1 is stored in the 2 high-order bytes. Parameter 2 is stored in the 2 low-order bytes.

When an internal hardware error following the beacon automatic removal process has been detected, this status block is generated.

option[0] Set to NDD_AUTO_RMV

The device has detected a I/O channel error.

option[0] Set to NDD_BUS_ERR
option[1] Set to error information from the device.

The device has detected an error in a command the device driver issued to it.

option[0] Set to NDD_CMD_FAIL
option[1] Set to error information from the device.

The device has detected an error in a packet given to the device.

option[0] Set to NDD_TX_ERROR
option[1] Set to error information from the device.

The device has detected an error in a packet given to the device.

option[0] Set to NDD_TX_TIMEOUT

When the initialization of the device fails, this status block is generated.

option[0] Set to TOK_ADAP_INIT
option[1] Set to error information from the device.

When a general error occurs during open of the device, this status block is generated.

option[0] Set to TOK_ADAP_OPEN
option[1] Set to the device open error code from the device.

A d_complete has failed.

option[0] Set to TOK_DMA_FAIL

When an error code of 0x27 (physical insertion, ring beaconing) occurs during open of the device, this status block is generated.

option[0] Set to TOK_RING_SPEED

The device has received a remove ring station MAC frame indicating that a network management function had directed this device to get off the ring.

option[0] Set to TOK_RMV_ADAP

When an error code of 0x11 (lobe media test, function failure) occurs during open of the device, this status block is generated.

option[0] Set to TOK_WIRE_FAULT

Exit Network Recovery Mode

When the device driver has successfully completed recovery logic from the error that made the device temporarily unavailable, the following status block is returned by the device driver. This status block means the device is now fully functional.

code Set to NDD_LIMBO_EXIT
option[] The option fields are not used.

Network Device Driver Status

When the device driver has status or event information to report, the following status block is returned by the device driver:

Ring Beaconing

When the Token-Ring device has detected a beaconing condition (or the ring has recovered from one), the following status block is generated by the Token-Ring device driver:

code Set to NDD_STATUS
option[0] Set to TOK_BEACONING
option[1] Set to the ring status received from the device.

Device Connected

When the device is successfully connected to the network the following status block is returned by the device driver:

option[] The option fields are not used.

Device Control Operations

The tok_ctl function is used to provide device control functions.


The user should pass in the tok_ndd_stats_t structure as defined in usr/include/sys/cdli_tokuser.h. The driver will fail a call with a buffer smaller than the structure.

The statistics which are returned contain statistics obtained from the device. If the device is inoperable, the statistics which are returned will not contain the current device statistics. The copy of the ndd_flags field can be checked to determine the state of the device.


The arg parameter specifies the address of the token_ring_all_mib_t structure. This structure is defined in the /usr/include/sys/tokenring_mibs.h file.

The device driver does not support any variables for read_write or write only. If the syntax of a member of the structure is some integer type, the level of support flag will be stored in the whole field, regardless of the size of the field. For those fields which are defined as character arrays, the value will be returned only in the first byte in the field.


The arg parameter specifies the address of the token_ring_all_mib_t structure. This structure is defined in the /usr/include/sys/tokenring_mibs.h file.

If the device is inoperable, the upstream field of the Dot5Entry_t structure will be zero instead of containing the nearest active upstream neighbor (NAUN). Also the statistics which are returned contain statistics obtained from the device. If the device is inoperable, the statistics which are returned will not contain the current device statistics. The copy of the ndd_flags field can be checked to determine the state of the device.


This command enables the receipt of packets with a functional or a group address. The functional address indicator (bit 0 "the MSB" of byte 2) indicates whether the address is a functional address (the bit is a 0) or a group address (the bit is a 1). The length field is not used because the address must be 6 bytes in length.

Functional Address

The specified address is "or'ed" with the currently specified functional addresses and the resultant address is set as the functional address for the device. Functional addresses are encoded in a bit-significant format, thereby allowing multiple individual groups to be designated by a single address.

The Token-Ring network architecture provides bit-specific functional addresses for widely-used functions, such as configuration report server. Ring stations use functional address "masks" to identify these functions. For example, if function G is assigned a functional address of 0xC000 0008 0000, and function M is assigned a function address of 0xC000 0000 0040, then ring station Y, whose node contains function G and M, would have a mask of 0xC000 0008 0040. Ring station Y would receive packets addressed to either function G or M or to an address like 0xC000 0008 0048 since that address contains bits specified in the "mask".

Note: The device forces the first 2 bytes of the functional address to be 0xC000. In addition, bits 6 and 7 of byte 5 of the functional address are forced to a 0 by the device.

The NDD_ALTADDRS and TOK_RECEIVE_FUNC flags in the ndd_flags field are set.

Since functional addresses are encoded in a bit-significant format, reference counts are kept on each of the 31 least significant bits of the address. Reference counts are not kept on the 17 most significant bits (the 0xC000 of the functional address and the functional address indicator bit).

Group Address

If no group address is currently enabled, the specified address is set as the group address for the device. The group address will not be set and EINVAL will be returned if a group address is currently enabled.

The device forces the first 2 bytes of the group address to be 0xC000.

The NDD_ALTADDRS and TOK_RECEIVE_GROUP flags in the ndd_flags field are set.


This command disables the receipt of packets with a functional or a group address. The functional address indicator (bit 0 "the MSB" of byte 2) indicates whether the address is a functional address (the bit is a 0) or a group address (the bit is a 1). The length field is not used because the address must be 6 bytes in length.

Functional Address

The reference counts are decremented for those bits in the functional address that are a one (on). If the reference count for a bit goes to zero, the bit will be "turned off" in the functional address for the device.

If no functional addresses are active after receipt of this command, the TOK_RECEIVE_FUNC flag in the ndd_flags field is reset. If no functional or group addresses are active after receipt of this command, the NDD_ALTADDRS flag in the ndd_flags field is reset.

Group Address

If the group address which is currently enabled is specified, receipt of packets with a group address is disabled. If a different address is specified, EINVAL will be returned.

If no group address is active after receipt of this command, the TOK_RECEIVE_GROUP flag in the ndd_flags field is reset. If no functional or group addresses are active after receipt of this command, the NDD_ALTADDRS flag in the ndd_flags field is reset.


The following addresses are returned:


The counters kept by the device will be zeroed.


The arg parameter specifies the address of the mon_all_stats_t structure. This structure is defined in the /usr/include/sys/cdli_tokuser.h file.

The statistics which are returned contain statistics obtained from the device. If the device is inoperable, the statistics which are returned will not contain the current device statistics. The copy of the ndd_flags field can be checked to determine the state of the device.

Trace Points and Error Log Templates for 8fc8 Token-Ring Device Driver

The Token-Ring device driver has three trace points. The IDs are defined in the usr/include/sys/cdli_tokuser.h file.

The Token-Ring error log templates are:

ERRID_CTOK_ADAP_CHECK The microcode on the device performs a series of diagnostic checks when the device is idle. These checks can find errors and they are reported as adapter checks. If the device was connected to the network when this error occurred, the device driver will go into Network Recovery Mode in an attempt to recover from the error. The device is temporarily unavailable during the recovery procedure. User intervention is not required for this error unless the problem persists.
ERRID_CTOK_ADAP_OPEN The device driver was enable to open the device. The device driver will go into Network Recovery Mode in an attempt to recover from the error. The device is temporarily unavailable during the recovery procedure. User intervention is not required for this error unless the problem persists.
ERRID_CTOK_AUTO_RMV An internal hardware error following the beacon automatic removal process has been detected. The device driver will go into Network Recovery Mode in an attempt to recover from the error. The device is temporarily unavailable during the recovery procedure. User intervention is not required for this error unless the problem persists.
ERRID_CONFIG The ring speed (or ring data rate) is probably wrong. Contact the network administrator to determine the speed of the ring. The device driver will only retry twice at 2 minute intervals after this error log entry has been generated.
ERRID_CTOK_DEVICE_ERR The device detected an I/O channel error or an error in a command the device driver issued, an error occurred during a PIO operation, or the device has detected an error in a packet given to the device. The device driver will go into Network Recovery Mode in an attempt to recover from the error. The device is temporarily unavailable during the recovery procedure. User intervention is not required for this error unless the problem persists.
ERRID_CTOK_DOWNLOAD The download of the microcode to the device failed. User intervention is required to make the device available.
ERRID_CTOK_DUP_ADDR The device has detected that another station on the ring has an device address which is the same as the device address being tested. Contact network administrator to determine why.
ERRID_CTOK_MEM_ERR An error occurred while allocating memory or timer control block structures.
ERRID_CTOK_PERM_HW The device driver could not reset the card. For example, did not receive status from the adapter within the retry period.
ERRID_CTOK_RCVRY_EXIT The error which caused the device driver to go into error recovery mode has been corrected.
ERRID_CTOK_RMV_ADAP The device has received a remove ring station MAC frame indicating that a network management function has directed this device to get off the ring. Contact network administrator to determine why.
ERRID_CTOK_WIRE_FAULT There is probably a loose (or bad) cable between the device and the MAU. There is some chance that it might be a bad device. The device driver will go into Network Recovery Mode in an attempt to recover from the error. The device is temporarily unavailable during the recovery procedure. User intervention is required for this error.

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