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Kernel Extensions and Device Support Programming Concepts

Machine Status Subcommands for the KDB Kernel Debugger and kdb Command

status Subcommand

The stat subcommand may be used to display the last kernel printf() messages, still in memory. The reason why the debugger is called is also displayed. Warning, there is one reason per processor. Last line gives information about processor that crashed:

Running on a dump file the cpu subcommand must be used to switch to the processor that failed. It is done by default after the stat subcommand.


KDB(6)> stat machine status got with kdb kernel
RS6K_SMP_MCA POWER_PC POWER_604 machine with 8 cpu(s)
sysname: AIX
nodename: jumbo32
release: 2
version: 4
machine: 00920312A000
nid: 920312A0
Illegal Trap Instruction Interrupt in Kernel
age of system: 1 day, 5 hr., 59 min., 50 sec.


AIX Version 4.2
Starting physical processor #1 as logical #1... done.
Starting physical processor #2 as logical #2... done.
Starting physical processor #3 as logical #3... done.
Starting physical processor #4 as logical #4... done.
Starting physical processor #5 as logical #5... done.
Starting physical processor #6 as logical #6... done.
Starting physical processor #7 as logical #7... done.
<- end_of_buffer
CPU 6 CSA 00427EB0 at time of crash, error code for LEDs: 70000000

(0)> stat machine status got with kdb running on the dump file
RS6K_SMP_MCA POWER_PC POWER_604 machine with 4 cpu(s)
.......... SYSTEM STATUS
sysname... AIX        nodename.. zoo22
release... 3          version... 4
machine... 00989903A6 nid....... 989903A6
time of crash: Sat Jul 12 12:34:32 1997
age of system: 1 day, 2 hr., 3 min., 49 sec.

AIX Version 4.3
Starting physical processor #1 as logical #1... done.
Starting physical processor #2 as logical #2... done.
Starting physical processor #3 as logical #3... done.
<- end_of_buffer
.......... CPU 0 CSA 004ADEB0 at time of crash, error code for LEDs: 30000000
thread+01B438 STACK:
[00057F64]v_sync+0000E4 (B01C876C, 0000001F [??])
[000A4FA0]v_presync+000050 (??, ??)
[0002B05C]begbt_603_patch_2+000008 (??, ??)

Machine State Save Area [2FF3B400]
iar   : 0002AF4C  msr   : 000010B0  cr    : 24224220  lr    : 0023D474
ctr   : 00000004  xer   : 20000008  mq    : 00000000
r0  : 000A4F50  r1  : 2FF3A600  r2  : 002E62B8  r3  : 00000000  r4  : 07D17B60
r5  : E601B438  r6  : 00025225  r7  : 00025225  r8  : 00000106  r9  : 00000004
r10 : 0023D474  r11 : 2FF3B400  r12 : 000010B0  r13 : 000C0040  r14 : 2FF229A0
r15 : 2FF229BC  r16 : DEADBEEF  r17 : DEADBEEF  r18 : DEADBEEF  r19 : 00000000
r20 : 0048D4C0  r21 : 0048D3E0  r22 : 07D6EE90  r23 : 00000140  r24 : 07D61360
r25 : 00000148  r26 : 0000014C  r27 : 07C75FF0  r28 : 07C75FFC  r29 : 07C75FF0
r30 : 07D17B60  r31 : 07C76000
s0  : 00000000  s1  : 007FFFFF  s2  : 00001DD8  s3  : 007FFFFF  s4  : 007FFFFF
s5  : 007FFFFF  s6  : 007FFFFF  s7  : 007FFFFF  s8  : 007FFFFF  s9  : 007FFFFF
s10 : 007FFFFF  s11 : 00000101  s12 : 0000135B  s13 : 00000CC5  s14 : 00000404
s15 : 6000096E
prev      00000000 kjmpbuf   2FF3A700 stackfix  00000000 intpri    0B
curid     00003C60 sralloc   E01E0000 ioalloc   00000000 backt     00
flags     00 tid       00000000 excp_type 00000000
fpscr     00000000 fpeu            00 fpinfo          00 fpscrx    00000000
o_iar     00000000 o_toc     00000000 o_arg1    00000000
excbranch 00000000 o_vaddr   00000000 mstext    00000000
Except :
 csr   00000000 dsisr 40000000  bit set: DSISR_PFT
 srval 00000000 dar   07CA705C dsirr 00000106

[0002AF4C].backt+000000 (00000000, 07D17B60 [??])
[0023D470]ilogsync+00014C (??)
[002894B8]logsync+000090 (??)
[0028899C]logmvc+000124 (??, ??, ??, ??)
[0023AB68]logafter+000100 (??, ??, ??)
[0023A46C]commit2+0001EC (??)
[0023BF50]finicom+0000BC (??, ??)
[0023C2CC]comlist+0001F0 (??, ??)
[0029391C]jfs_rename+000794 (??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??)
[00248220]vnop_rename+000038 (??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??)
[0026A168]rename+000380 (??, ??)

switch Subcommand

The switch subcommand is very usefull. By default, KDB shows the current process virtual space. But it is possible to elect another process, and to have all its virtual space on line. When KDB is exiting, the initial context is automatically restored. If local break points are process/thread attached, the switched context is taken as break point context. As kernel address space and user address space are not identical, the switch subcommand can be used to switch between user (sw u) and kernel (sw k) space.


KDB(0)> sw 12 switch to thread slot 12
Switch to thread: <thread+000900>
KDB(0)> f print stack trace
thread+000900 STACK:
[000215FC]e_block_thread+000250 ()
[00021C48]e_sleep_thread+000070 (??, ??, ??)
[000200F4]errread+00009C (??, ??)
[001C89B4]rdevread+000120 (??, ??, ??, ??)
[0023A61C]cdev_rdwr+00009C (??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??)
[00216324]spec_rdwr+00008C (??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??)
[001CEA3C]vnop_rdwr+000070 (??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??)
[001BDB0C]rwuio+0000CC (??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??)
[001BDF40]rdwr+000184 (??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??)
[001BDD68]kreadv+000064 (??, ??, ??, ??)
[000037D8].sys_call+000000 ()
[D0046B68]read+000028 (??, ??, ??)
[1000167C]child+000120 ()
[10001A84]main+0000E4 (??, ??)
[1000014C].__start+00004C ()
KDB(0)> dr sr display segment registers
s0  : 00000000  s1  : 007FFFFF  s2  : 00000AB7  s3  : 007FFFFF  s4  : 007FFFFF
s5  : 007FFFFF  s6  : 007FFFFF  s7  : 007FFFFF  s8  : 007FFFFF  s9  : 007FFFFF
s10 : 007FFFFF  s11 : 007FFFFF  s12 : 007FFFFF  s13 : 6000058B  s14 : 00000204
s15 : 60000CBB  
KDB(0)> sw u  switch to user context
KDB(0)> dr sr display segment registers
s0  : 60000000  s1  : 600009B1  s2  : 60000AB7  s3  : 007FFFFF  s4  : 007FFFFF
s5  : 007FFFFF  s6  : 007FFFFF  s7  : 007FFFFF  s8  : 007FFFFF  s9  : 007FFFFF
s10 : 007FFFFF  s11 : 007FFFFF  s12 : 007FFFFF  s13 : 6000058B  s14 : 007FFFFF
s15 : 60000CBB  
Now it is possible to look at user code
For example, find how read() is called by child()
KDB(0)> dc 1000167C   print child() code (seg 1 is now valid)
1000167C      bl    <1000A1BC>
KDB(0)> dc 1000A1BC 6 print child() code
1000A1BC     lwz    r12,244(toc)
1000A1C0     stw    toc,14(stkp)
1000A1C4     lwz    r0,0(r12)
1000A1C8     lwz    toc,4(r12)
1000A1CC   mtctr    r0
1000A1D0   bcctr   
... find stack pointer of child() routine with 'set 9; f'
[D0046B68]read+000028 (??, ??, ??)
2FF22B50: 2FF2 2D70  2000 9910  1000 1680  F00F 3130   /.-p .........10
2FF22B60: F00F 1E80  2000 4C54  0000 0003  0000 4503   .... .LT......E.
2FF22B70: 2FF2 2B88  0000 D030  0000 0000  6000 0000   /.+....0....`...
2FF22B80: 6000 09B1  0000 0000  0000 0002  0000 0002   `...............
[1000167C]child+000120 ()
(0)> dw 2FF22B50+14 1       - stw toc,14(stkp)
2FF22B64: 20004C54          toc address
(0)> dw 20004C54+244 1      - lwz r12,244(toc)
20004E98: F00BF5C4          function descriptor address
(0)> dw F00BF5C4 2          - lwz r0,0(r12) - lwz toc,4(r12)
F00BF5C4: D0046B40 F00C1E9C function descriptor (code and toc)
(0)> dc D0046B40 11         - bcctr will execute:
D0046B40    mflr    r0
D0046B44     stw    r31,FFFFFFFC(stkp)
D0046B48     stw    r0,8(stkp)
D0046B4C    stwu    stkp,FFFFFFB0(stkp)
D0046B50     stw    r5,3C(stkp)
D0046B54     stw    r4,38(stkp)
D0046B58     stw    r3,40(stkp)
D0046B5C   addic    r4,stkp,38
D0046B60      li    r5,1
D0046B64      li    r6,0
D0046B68      bl    <D00ADC68> read+000028

The following example shows some of the differences between kernel and user 
mode for 64-bit process

(0)> sw k 	kernel mode
(0)> dr msr 	kernel machine status register
msr   : 000010B0  bit set: ME  IR DR
(0)> dr r1	kernel stack pointer
r1  : 2FF3B2A0   2FF3B2A0
(0)> f 		stack frame (kernel MST)
thread+002A98 STACK:
[00031960]e_block_thread+000224 ()
[00041738]nsleep+000124 (??, ??)
[01CFF0F4]nsleep64_+000058 (0FFFFFFF, F0000001, 00000001, 10003730, 1FFFFEF0, 1FFFFEF8)
[000038B4].sys_call+000000 ()
[80000010000867C]080000010000867C (??, ??, ??, ??)
[80000010001137C]nsleep+000094 (??, ??)
[800000100058204]sleep+000030 (??)
[100000478]main+0000CC (0000000100000001, 00000000200FEB78)
[10000023C]__start+000044 ()
(0)> sw u 	user mode
(0)> dr msr 	user machine status register
msr   : 800000004000D0B0  bit set: EE PR ME  IR DR
(0)> dr r1	user stack pointer
(0)> f 		stack frame (kernel MST extension)
thread+002A98 STACK:
[8000001000581D4]sleep+000000 (0000000000000064 [??])
[100000478]main+0000CC (0000000100000001, 00000000200FEB78)
[10000023C]__start+000044 ()

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