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System User's Guide: Operating System and Devices

Chapter 13. Documentation Library Service


The Documentation Library Service allows you to read, navigate, and search online HTML documents. It provides library application that appears in your web browser. The application includes links to read installed documents and a search form that you can use to search for text. When you search, a results page displays the results of the search with links to the documents containing the search target words.

Two types of forms are provided: a global search form that shows all the volumes installed on a search server, and a specific search form that just searches a specific set of volumes such as the manuals for an application.

The documentation library service allows you to search documents that have been registered with the search service. Registration is done by the system administrator. You cannot search the internet or any unregistered documents on your search server.

If you write HTML documents at your site, your system administrator can add these documents to the documentation library so that you can read and search the documents.

Using the Documentation Library Service

To use the Library:

After the library application opens, you can click on the Help link in the upper right corner for instructions on how to use the library.

How to Change the AIX Documentation Language

By default, when you open the CDE Desktop icons for the AIX Documentation Search Service or the AIX Base Library, the documents that are displayed appear in the same language as your CDE Desktop.

However, there may be reasons that you want to see the documentation in a language that is different than your desktop language. For example, you may run your desktop in your native language, but the manuals may only be available in English. You can change your documentation language so that documents appear in a different language than that used in your desktop.

Note: These techniques do not affect the language used if you are opening a document or search form from an HTML link inside another document. These techniques only affect the language used for the AIX Documentation Search Service or the AIX Base Library desktop icons.
Note: Make sure there is documentation installed for the language you want to use.

You can change your documentation language by running the following command:

/usr/bin/chdoclang <locale>

where <locale> is replaced by the AIX locale name that will be the new language for viewing and searching documentation. Locale names can be found in the AIX Locale Naming Conventions table.

Note: You must log out and then log back in to see the language change take effect.
Note: If you are using the CDE Desktop, you must also edit your Desktop file $HOME/.dtprofile so that your documentation language setting in your $HOME/.profile file will be read during CDE login. To do this, complete the following steps:
  1. Open your .dtprofile file in an editor by typing:
    dtpad $HOME/.dtprofile
  2. Find the line that contains this text:
  3. If there are any # (comment) characters at the start of that line, delete just the # characters, not the entire line. If there are no # characters, you can just close the editor.

  4. Save your changed .dtprofile file.

You are now ready to log out and log back in.

For example, if you want to change your documentation language to Spanish (es_ES), type the following command:

/usr/bin/chdoclang es_ES

Then log out and log back in to your desktop.

After you change your documentation language, you can delete the language setting so that documentation will again appear in the same language as your desktop. To delete your language setting, type the following command:

/usr/bin/chdoclang -d

Then log out and log back in to your desktop.

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