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System User's Guide: Operating System and Devices

List of C Shell Built-in Commands

alias Displays specified aliases or all aliases.
bg Puts the current or specified jobs into the background.
break Resumes running after the end of the nearest enclosing foreach or while command.
breaksw Breaks from a switch command.
case Defines a label in a switch command.
cd Changes the current directory to the specified directory.
chdir Changes the current directory to the specified directory.
continue Continues execution of the nearest enclosing foreach or while command.
default Labels the default case in a switch statement.
dirs Displays the directory stack.
echo Writes character strings to the standard output of the shell.
else Runs the commands that follow the second else in an if (Expression) then ...else if (Expression2) then ... else ... endif command sequence.
end Signifies the end of a sequence of commands preceded by the foreach command. Also see the while command.
endif Runs the commands that follow the second then statement in an if (Expression) then ... else if (Expression2) then ... else ... endif command sequence.
endsw Marks the end of a switch (String) case String : ... breaksw default: ... breaksw endsw command sequence. This command sequence successively matches each case label against the value of the String variable. Execution continues after the endsw command if a breaksw command is executed or if no label matches and there is no default.
eval Reads variable values as input to the shell and executes the resulting command or commands in the context of the current shell.
exec Runs the specified command in place of the current shell.
exit Exits the shell with either the value of the status shell variable or the value of the specified expression.
fg Brings the current or specified jobs into the foreground, continuing them if they are stopped.
foreach Successively sets a Name variable for each member specified by the List variable and a sequence of commands, until reaching an end command.
glob Displays list using history, variable, and file name expansion.
goto Continues to run after a specified line.
                          Displays statistics indicating how successful the hash table has been at locating commands.
history Displays the history event list.
if Runs a specified command if a specified expression is true.
jobs Lists the active jobs.
kill Sends either the TERM (terminate) signal or the signal specified by the Signal variable to the specified job or process.
limit Limits usage of a specified resource by the current process and each process it creates.
login Ends a login shell and replaces it with an instance of the /usr/sbin/login command.
logout Ends a login shell.
nice Sets the priority of commands run in the shell.
nohup Causes hangups to be ignored for the remainder of a procedure.
notify Causes the shell to notify you asynchronously when the status of the current or a specified job changes.
onintr Controls the action of the shell on interrupts.
popd Pops the directory stack and returns to the new top directory.
pushd Exchanges elements of the directory stack.
rehash Causes recomputation of the internal hash table containing the contents of the directories in the path shell variable.
repeat Runs the specified command, subject to the same restrictions as the if command, the number of times specified.
set Shows the value of all shell variables.
setenv Modifies the value of the specified environment variable.
shift Shifts the specified variable to the left.
source Reads command specified by the Name variable.
stop Stops the current or specified jobs running in the background.
suspend Stops the shell as if a STOP signal has been received.
switch Starts a switch (String) case String : ... breaksw default: ... breaksw endsw command sequence. This command sequence successively matches each case label against the value of the String variable. If none of the labels match before a default label is found, the execution begins after the default label.
time Displays a summary of the time used by the shell and its child processes.
umask Determines file permissions.
unalias Discards all aliases with names that match the Pattern variable.
unhash Disables the use of the internal hash table to locate running programs.
unlimit Removes resource limitations.
unset Removes all variables having names that match the Pattern variable.
unsetenv Removes all variables from the environment whose names match the specified Pattern variable.
wait Waits for all background jobs.
while Evaluates the commands between the while and the matching end command sequence while an expression specified by the Expression variable evaluates nonzero.
@ Displays the value of specified shell variables.

See C Shell Built-In Commands for more information.

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