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System User's Guide: Operating System and Devices

Reminding Yourself When to Leave (leave Command)

You can have the system remind you to leave at a specified time with the leave command. You are reminded at 5 minutes and 1 minute before the actual time, then again at the specified time, and at every minute thereafter. When you log off, the leave command exits just before it would have displayed the next message.

If you do not specify a time, the leave command prompts with When do you have to leave? A reply of newline causes the leave command to exit; otherwise, the reply is assumed to be a time. This form is suitable for inclusion in a .login or .profile file.

Enter the time in the hhmm format. All times are converted to a 12-hour clock and assumed to relate to the next 12 hours. You can use the + flag to set the number of hours and minutes from the current time for the alarm to go off.

Note: The leave command ignores interrupt, quit, and terminate operations. To clear the leave command, you should either log off or use the kill -9 command and provide the process ID.

For example, to remind yourself to leave at 3:45, enter:

leave 345

For example, to remind yourself to leave in 20 minutes, enter:

leave +0020

See the leave command in the AIX Version 4.3 Commands Reference for the exact syntax.

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