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System User's Guide: Operating System and Devices

X Resources Available for the InfoExplorer Program

You can customize window color, position, and size in the InfoExplorer program by setting X resources in the .Xdefaults file. You can do this for the following types of windows:

Window Type Resource Name
Bookmark List blistTopLevelShell
Citations citTopLevelShell
Compound Search compoundTopLevelShell
Database Selection dbSelectionTopLevelShell
Defaults Editor defTopLevelShell
Document (Reading) docTopLevelShell
File (file link) fileTopLevelShell
File Selection fileSelTopLevelShell
Footnote footTopLevelShell
Glossary glossaryTopLevelShell
Graphic graphicTopLevelShell
History List hlistTopLevelShell
Introduction introTopLevelShell
Library Definition libinstTopLevelShell
Library Selection libSelTopLevelShell
List of Titles tlistTopLevelShell
Message messageTopLevelShell
Match List mlSelectionTopLevelShell
Navigation navTopLevelShell
Note Editor neditTopLevelShell
Note List nlistTopLevelShell
Outline outlineTopLevelShell
Path List plistTopLevelShell
Preferences prefTopLevelShell
References refTopLevelShell
Simple Search searchTopLevelShell

The highest-level resource name in InfoExplorer is Info-gr. For example, to change the window width for the navigation window, add the following resource name to your .xdefaults file:

Info_gr.navTopLevelShell.width:  800

To display ISOfonts, add the following resource name to your .xdefaults file:

Info_gr.fontfilestr:  isofonts

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