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Distributed SMIT 2.2 for AIX: Guide and Reference

Using the DSMIT Interfaces

The Distributed System Management Interface Tool (DSMIT) interface is similar to the SMIT interface except that it has additional function key sequences. The DSMIT facility runs in two interfaces, ASCII (nongraphical) or AIXwindows (graphical).

For more information about using the SMIT interface, see the "System Management Interface Tool (SMIT): Overview" in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Concepts: Operating System and Devices.

DSMIT in the ASCII Interface

The additional function key sequences include:

Esc-M Enables you to change a field in a common dialog screen by client machine name.
Esc-F Enables you to change a field in a command dialog screen by field name.
Esc-C Enables you to either include or exclude a particular client from the working collective of clients.

After pressing the Esc-C key sequence, you can include or exclude specific clients, operating systems, or domains in the Current Inclusion/Exclusion Status field. You can also display the current inclusion or exclusion status of each client.

The mechanics of using the DSMIT interface are the same as those for SMIT. Select command options from the menus and use the Tab key to cycle through the fields in a command screen. If a field is marked with a + (plus sign), you can press F4 to get a list of options to enter. To make selections in a multiple selection list, use F7 to tag each of your selections and press the Enter key to select them.

To execute system management tasks on the managed systems, select the System Management option from the initial menu. The Domain Management option lets you manage the DSMIT environment such as domains and working collectives.

DSMIT in the AIXwindows Interface

A Visual System Management (VSM) application is started when you start DSMIT in the graphical interface. It allows you to define and select the machines or groups of machines to perform DSMIT tasks on.

The additional function key sequences include:

Common View Enables you to change a field in a common dialog screen by client machine name.

In the Common View, an option button appears on the left side of the dialog options. Select this button, the value can be changed and is common to all the machines. Deselect the button, the value cannot be changed and is not common to all machines.

Machine View Enables you to change a field by client machine.
Option View Enables you to change a field by the field name.

In the windowing version of DSMIT, you use standard mouse-driven window conventions to manipulate the menu-based format, which guides you through tasks.

Related Information

Distributed System Management Interface Tool (DSMIT) Overview.

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