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Files Reference

About This Book

This book, AIX Version 4.3 Files Reference, describes the files used by the Advanced Interactive Executive Operating System (AIX). The various system files, file formats, special files, header files, and directories used by AIX, its subsystems, and certain optional program products are covered in the Files Reference.

Who Should Use This Book

This book is intended for experienced C programmers. To use the book effectively, you should be familiar with AIX or UNIX System V commands, system calls, subroutines, file formats, and special files.

How to Use This Book

Overview of Contents

This book contains sections on the system files, special files, header files, and directories that are provided with the operating system and optional program products. File formats required for certain files that are generated by the system or an optional program are also presented in a section of this book.


The following highlighting conventions are used in this book:

Bold Identifies commands, subroutines, keywords, files, structures, directories, and other items whose names are predefined by the system. Also identifies graphical objects such as buttons, labels, and icons that the user selects.
Italics Identifies parameters whose actual names or values are to be supplied by the user.
Monospace Identifies examples of specific data values, examples of text similar to what you might see displayed, examples of portions of program code similar to what you might write as a programmer, messages from the system, or information you should actually type.

ISO 9000

ISO 9000 registered quality systems were used in the development and manufacturing of this product.

Related Publications

The following books contain information about or related to the AIX files:

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