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Files Reference

DOMAIN Data File Format for TCP/IP


Stores name resolution information for the named daemon.


The host's data file is one of the DOMAIN data files and contains name-to-address resolution mapping information for all machines in the name server's zone of authority. The name of the host's data file is specified in the named boot file. This file should exist only on name servers that are designated as primary for a domain. There may be more than one host's data file per primary name server.

All entries in this file must be in Standard Resource Record Format. Valid resource records in this file are:

Except for comments (starting with a ; (semicolon) and continuing to the end of the line), the resource records in the data files generally follow the format of the resource records that the named daemon returns in response to queries from resolver routines.

Two awk scripts, addrs.awk and hosts.awk, are provided in the /usr/samples/tcpip directory to assist you in converting your existing /etc/hosts file to DOMAIN data files. The awk scripts also contain instructions for their use. Refer to these files for more information on the conversion.


The following examples show the various ways to use the DOMAIN host's data file. In these examples, two networks are represented: abc and xyz.

Network abc consists of:

Network xyz consists of:

  1. The primary host data file for network abc, stored on host gobi.abc, contains the following entries:
    ;primary host data file for abc - gobi.abc
    @                 IN        SOA      gobi.abc.  root.gobi.abc.  (
                                         1.1     ;serial
                                         3600    ;refresh
                                         600     ;retry
                                         86400   ;minimum
    ;name servers for abc
                      IN        NS       gobi.abc.
    ;other name servers
                      IN        NS       kalahari.xyz.
    kalahari.xyz.     IN        A
    ;define local loopback host
    localhost         IN        A        127.1
    ;define all hosts in abc
    loopback IN       CNAME     localhost.abc
    gobi              IN        A
    gobi-abc IN       CNAME     gobi.abc
    sandy             IN        A
                      IN        WKS 
    udp tftp nameserver domain
                      IN        WKS tcp (
                                         echo telnet smtp discard uucp-path 
                                         systat daytime netstat chargen ftp 
                                         time whois finger hostnames domain
    sandy-abc         IN        CNAME    sandy.abc
    mojave            IN        A
                      IN        HINFO    System ABC 3.1
    mojave-abc        IN        CNAME    mojave.abc.
  2. The primary host data file for network xyz, stored on host kalahari.xyz, contains the following entries:
    ;primary host data file for xyz - kalahari.xyz
    @                 IN        SOA      kalahari.xyz.  root.kalahari.xyz.  (
                                         1.1     ;serial
                                         3600    ;refresh
                                         600     ;retry
                                         86400   ;minimum
    ;nameservers for xyz
                      IN        NS       kalahari.xyz.
    ;other nameservers
                      IN        NS       gobi.abc.
    gobi.abc.         IN        A
    ;define local loopback host
    localhost         IN        A        127.1
    ;define all hosts in xyz
    loopback IN        CNAME    localhost.xyz.
    kalahari IN        A
    ns-xyz             IN       CNAME    kalahari.xyz.
    kalahari-xyz       IN       CNAME    kalahari.xyz.
                       IN       HINFO    System ABC 3.1
    sahara             IN       A
                       IN       WKS ( 
                                         udp tftp nameserver domain 
                       IN       WKS tcp (
                                         echo telnet smtp discard uucp-path
                                         systat daytime netstat chargen ftp 
                                         time whois finger hostnames domain
                       IN       HINFO    System ABC 3.1
    lopnor             IN       A
    lopnor-xyz         IN       CNAME    lopnor.xyz.
                       IN       HINFO    System ABC 3.1
    sandy              IN       A

Implementation Specifics

This file is part of TCP/IP in Network Support Facilities in Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime.


/etc/named.conf Defines how the named daemon initializes the DOMAIN name server file.
/usr/samples/tcpip/addrs.awk Sample awk script for converting an /etc/hosts file to an /etc/named.rev file. The awk script also contains directions for its use.
/usr/samples/tcpip/hosts.awk Sample awk script for converting an /etc/hosts file to an /etc/named.data file. The awk script also contains directions for its use.
/usr/samples/tcpip/named.conf Sample named.conf file, which also contains directions for its use.
/usr/samples/tcpip/named.data Sample named.data file, which also contains directions for its use.

Related Information

The named daemon.

The DOMAIN Reverse Data file format, DOMAIN Cache file format, DOMAIN Local file format.

Standard Resource Record Format for TCP/IP.

Naming and Configuring Name Servers in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Communications and Networks.

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