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Files Reference

/var/spool/uucp/.Old Directory for BNU


Contains the combined BNU program log files.


The /var/spool/uucp/.Old directory contains the combined Basic Networking Utilities (BNU) program log files.

The BNU program creates log files of the activities of the uucico and uuxqt daemons in the /var/spool/uucp/.Log directory. The log files are compacted by the /usr/sbin/uucp/uudemon.cleanu command, a shell procedure, which combines the files and stores them in the .Old directory.

By default, the uudemon.cleanu command removes log files after two weeks. The length of time log files are kept can be changed to suit the needs of an individual system.

The log files can be viewed using the uulog command.

Implementation Specifics

This directory is part of the Basic Networking Utilities Program (BNU) in BOS Extensions 1.


/var/spool/uucp/.Log directory Contains BNU program log files.

Related Information

The uucp command, uudemon.cleanu command, uulog command, uux command.

The cron daemon, uucico daemon, uuxqt daemon.

Working with BNU Log Files in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Communications and Networks.

Understanding the BNU File and Directory Structure in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Communications and Networks.

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