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Files Reference

eqnchar File Format


Contains special character definitions for the eqn and neqn commands.


The /usr/share/lib/pub/eqnchar file contains troff and nroff command character definitions not ordinarily available on a phototypesetter or printer. These definitions are primarily intended for use with the eqn and neqn commands.

The /usr/share/lib/pub/cateqnchar file is device-independent and should produce output that looks reasonable on any device supported by the troff command. You can link the /usr/share/lib/pub/eqnchar file to the /usr/share/lib/pub/cateqnchar file.

The eqnchar file format can be used with either the eqn or neqn command and then piped to the troff or nroff command. For example:

eqn /usr/share/lib/pub/eqnchar [ Flag... ] [ -- ] [ File... ] | troff [ Flag... ]

eqn /usr/share/lib/pub/cateqnchar [ Flag... ] [ -- ] [ File... ] | troff [ Flag... ]

neqn /usr/share/lib/pub/eqnchar [ Flag... ] [ -- ] [ File... ] | nroff [ Flag... ]

Implementation Specifics

This file is part of Formatting Tools in the Text Formatting System.


/usr/share/lib/pub/cateqnchar Contains the character definitions for troff-supported device.

Related Information

The eqn command, mm command, mmt command, mvt command, neqn command, nroff command, troff command.

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