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Files Reference

g32_keys.h File


Contains common API key value definitions.


The /usr/include/g32_keys.h file provides key definitions for use with the HCON C language g32_send_keys function. Each module that uses the HCON Pascal g32_send_keys function must include the g32_keys.h file.

The constants in the g32_keys.h file are:

#define ENTER      "\002\061"    /* enter                    */
#define PA1        "\002\055"    /* PA1                      */
#define PA2        "\002\056"    /* PA2                      */
#define PA3        "\002\057"    /* PA3                      */
#define PF1        "\002\025"    /* PF1                      */
#define PF2        "\002\026"    /* PF2                      */
#define PF3        "\002\027"    /* PF3                      */
#define PF4        "\002\030"    /* PF4                      */
#define PF5        "\002\031"    /* PF5                      */
#define PF6        "\002\032"    /* PF6                      */
#define PF7        "\002\033"    /* PF7                      */
#define PF8        "\002\034"    /* PF8                      */
#define PF9        "\002\035"    /* PF9                      */
#define PF10       "\002\036"    /* PF10                     */
#define PF11       "\002\037"    /* PF11                     */
#define PF12       "\002\040"    /* PF12                     */
#define PF13       "\002\041"    /* PF13                     */
#define PF14       "\002\042"    /* PF14                     */
#define PF15       "\002\043"    /* PF15                     */
#define PF16       "\002\044"    /* PF16                     */
#define PF17       "\002\045"    /* PF17                     */
#define PF18       "\002\046"    /* PF18                     */
#define PF19       "\002\047"    /* PF19                     */
#define PF20       "\002\050"    /* PF20                     */
#define PF21       "\002\051"    /* PF21                     */
#define PF22       "\002\052"    /* PF22                     */
#define PF23       "\002\053"    /* PF23                     */
#define PF24       "\002\054"    /* PF24                     */
#define CLEAR      "\002\060"    /* clear                    */
#define DUP        "\002\066"    /* dup                      */
#define FM         "\002\067"    /* field mark               */
#define INS        "\002\024"    /* insert                   */
#define DEL        "\002\021"    /* delete                   */
#define C_UP       "\002\002"    /* cursor up                */
#define C_DN       "\002\003"    /* cursor down              */
#define C_LT       "\002\001"    /* cursor left              */
#define C_RT       "\002\004"    /* cursor right             */
#define C_UUP      "\002\006"    /* cursor up fast           */
#define C_DDN      "\002\007"    /* cursor down fast         */
#define C_LLT      "\002\005"    /* cursor left fast         */
#define C_RRT      "\002\010"    /* cursor right fast        */
#define TAB        "\002\013"    /* tab                      */
#define B_TAB      "\002\014"    /* back tab                 */
#define CR         "\002\012"    /* carriage return          */
#define RESET      "\003\002"    /* reset                    */
#define E_INP      "\002\022"    /* erase input              */
#define E_EOF      "\002\023"    /* erase to end of field    */
#define SYSREQ     "\003\033"    /* sys req (SNA only)       */
#define ATTN       "\003\022"    /* attn key (SNA only)      */
#define T_REQ      SYSREQ        /* test/sys req             */
#define HOME       "\002\015"    /* home cursor              */
#define CURSEL     "\002\070"    /* cursor select            */

Implementation Specifics

The g32_keys.h file is part of the Host Connection Program (HCON).

This file requires the use of a C compiler.

Related Information

The g32_send_keys function.

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