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Files Reference

g32const.inc File


Defines Pascal HCON API constants.


The /usr/include/g32const.inc file contains definitions for API constants to use with HCON Pascal-language subroutines. Each module that uses the Pascal API must include the g32const.inc file.

The constants in the g32const.inc file are:

        H3270DEV        = 0;
        SS1             = '19'x;
 *   Range for logical path IDs. 
        MIN_LPID        = 0;
        MAX_LPID        = 15;
        NUM_LPS = 16;
        G32OK           = 0;
        G32ERROR        = -1;
        NO_SESSION      = 0;
        MODE_3270       = 1;
        MODE_API        = 2;
        MODE_API_T      = 4;
        PEND_DEALLOC    = 8;
        MAX_MSG_LEN     = 60000;
        API_USER_MSG    = '01'x;
        API_START_MSG   = '02'x;
        API_TERM_MSG    = '03'x;
        WSF             = '11'x;
        API_SMSG_LEN    = 11;
        API_TMSG_LEN    = 11;
        API_NMSG_LEN    = 11;
        API_HDR_LEN     = 11;

 *   Error codes used by the API routines 
        G32_SESS_EXIST           = -1;
        G32_NO_LA                = -2;
        G32_EOPEN                = -3;
        G32_NO_LOGON             = -5;
        G32_NO_LP                = -6;
        G32_NO_SESS              = -7;
        G32_EEMU                 = -8;
        G32_EMALLOC              = -9;
        G32_EFORK                = -10;
        G32_ENDSESS              = -12;
        G32_INV_MODE             = -13;
        G32_PARMERR              = -15;
        G32_LINK_CTL             = -16;
        G32_EREAD                = -17;
        G32_EWRITE               = -18;
        G32_ELENGTH              = -19;
        G32_INV_POSITION         = -20;
        G32_INV_PATTERN          = -21;
        G32_SEARCH_FAIL          = -23;
        G32_EMSGSND              = -24;
        G32_EMSGRCV              = -25;
        G32_PROMPT               = -29;
        G32_EIOCTL               = -30;
        G32_ESELECT              = -31;
        G32_NOTACK               = -32;
        G32_TIMEOUT              = -33;
        G32_NOATTACH             = -34;
        G32_OVERRUN              = -35;
        G32_CONN_FAIL            = -36;
        G32_ATTN                 = -37;
 *      Codes returned by g32stat
        G32_NO_ERROR             =  0;
        G32_COMM_CHK             = -1;
        G32_PROG_CHK             = -2;
        G32_MACH_CHK             = -3;
        G32_FATAL_ERROR          = -4;
        G32_COMM_REM             = -5;

Implementation Specifics

The g32const.inc file is part of the Host Connection Program (HCON).

This file requires the use of a Pascal compiler.

Related Information

List of HCON Programming References in 3270 Host Connection Program 2.1 and 1.3.3 for AIX: Guide and Reference.

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