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Files Reference

mib.defs File Format


Provides descriptions of Management Information Base (MIB) variables for the snmpinfo command.


The mib.defs file provides object descriptions of MIB variables for the snmpinfo command issued with the get, next, set, and dump options. See the snmpinfo command for more information.

The mib.defs file is not intended to be edited by the user. The file should be created with the mosy command. See the mosy command for information on how to create the mib.defs file. This file has the following format:

The MIB group fields are separated by spaces or tabs and contain the following information:

GroupDescriptor Holds the textual name of the MIB group.
GroupEntry Denotes the parent MIB group and the location of this MIB group in the parent group. This field is used by the snmpinfo command to resolve the ASN.1 dotted notation for MIB variables under this group.

The MIB groups are defined as follows:

Group Descriptor Group Entry
internet iso.3.6.1
directory internet.1
mgmt internet.2
. .
. .
. .
mib-2 mgmt.1
system mib-2.1
. .
. .

The object definitions of MIB variables are formatted as follows:

Object Descriptor Group Entry Syntax Access Status
sysDescr system.1 DisplayString read-only mandatory

The MIB variable fields are separated by spaces or tabs, and contain the following information:

ObjectDescriptor Holds the textual name of the object.
GroupEntry Denotes the MIB object group and the location of this MIB variable in this group. This field is used by the snmpinfo command to resolve the ASN.1 dotted notation for this MIB variable.
Syntax Denotes the type of the object as one of the following:
  • OCTET STRING or DisplayString
  • Network Address
  • Counter
  • Gauge
  • TimeTicks
  • Opaque
Access Designates the access permissions for the object and can be one of the following:
  • Read-only
  • Read-write
  • Write-only
  • Not-accessible
Status Designates the RFC 1213 compliance status of the object and can be one of the following:
  • Mandatory
  • Optional
  • Deprecated
  • Obsolete

The parent MIB group definition required for a particular MIB variable GroupEntry definition must precede the object definition for the MIB variable.

Comments begin with a # (pound sign) or - - (two dashes) and continue to the end of the line.

Implementation Specifics

This command is part of Simple Network Management Protocol Agent Applications in Network Support Facilities in Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime.


/usr/samples/snmpd/smi.my Defines the ASN.1 definitions by which the SMI is defined as in RFC 1155.
/usr/samples/snmpd/mibII.my Defines the ASN.1 definitions for the MIB II variables as defined in RFC 1213.

Related Information

The mosy command, snmpinfo command.

Understanding the Management Information Base (MIB) in AIX Version 4.3 Communications Programming Concepts.

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