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Files Reference

netmasks File for NIS


Contains network masks used to implement Internet Protocol (IP) standard subnetting.


The /etc/netmasks file contains network masks used to implement IP standard subnetting. This file contains a line for each network that is subnetted. Each line consists of the network number, any number of spaces or tabs, and the network mask to use on that network. Network numbers and masks may be specified in the conventional IP . (dot) notation (similar to IP host addresses, but with zeroes for the host part). The following number is a line from a netmask file:

This number specifies that the Class B network has 8 bits of subnet field and 8 bits of host field, in addition to the standard 16 bits in the network field. When running network information service, this file on the master is used for the netmasks.byaddr map.

Implementation Specifics

This file is not supported by AIX. If this file resides on your system, however, NIS will create a map for it.


/etc/netmasks Specifies the path of the file.

Related Information

Network File System Overview in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Communications and Networks.

Network Information Service Overview in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Communications and Networks.

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