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Files Reference

rcm Special File


Provides the application interface to obtain and relinquish the status of a graphics process through the Rendering Context Manager (RCM) device driver.


The rcm is used by graphics systems such as AIXwindows to obtain a gsc_handle. This handle is required in the call to aixgsc which is part of the procedure of becoming a graphics process.

Usage Considerations

The RCM device driver supports open, close, and ioctl subroutines.

A application uses the GSC_HANDLE ioctl command to get a gsc_handle as part of becoming a graphics process. When it closes rcm, either normally, or by abnormal termination, the RCM releases any displays which it owns. This is implemented as a LFT_REL_DISP ioctl command to the LFT device driver.

IOCINFO Returns devinfo structure.
GSC_HANDLE Returns a gsc_handle.
RCM_SET_DIAG_OWNER Obtain exclusive use of the display adapter for diagnostics.

Implementation Specifics

The rcm special file is part of Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime.

Related Information

lft Special File.

Special Files Overview .

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