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Files Reference

serdasda Special File


Provides access to the serial DASD adapter.


The serdasda special file provides an interface to an attached Serial DASD adapter. This special file should not be opened directly by application programs (with the exception of diagnostics applications). The /dev/serdasda0, /dev/serdasda1, ... /dev/serdasdan files are the serdasda special files.

Usage Considerations

The description of the serial DASD subsystem device driver in AIX Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems Volume 1 provides information on using the Serial DASD adapter.

Implementation Specifics

The description of the Serial DASD subsystem device driver in AIX Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems Volume 1 provides information on implementation specifics for the Serial DASD adapter.

The serdasda special file is part of Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime.

Related Information

The Direct Access Storage Device (DASD) Overview in AIX Kernel Extensions and Device Support Programming Concepts.

Device-Dependent Subroutines for Serial DASD Adapter Operations in AIX Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems Volume 1.

Error Conditions for Serial DASD Subroutines in AIX Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems Volume 1.

Special Files Overview .

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