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Files Reference

stat.h File


Defines the data structures returned by the stat family of subroutines.


The stat data structure in the /usr/include/sys/stat.h file returns information for the stat, fstat, lstat, statx, and fstatx subroutines.

The stat data structure contains the following fields:

st_dev Device that contains a directory entry for this file.
st_ino Index of this file on its device. A file is uniquely identified by specifying the device on which it resides and its index on that device.
st_mode File mode. The possible file mode values are given in the description of the /usr/include/sys/mode.h file.
st_nlink Number of hard links (alternate directory entries) to the file created using the link subroutine.
st_access Field is not implemented. All bits are returned as zero.
st_size Number of bytes in a file (including any holes). This field also defines the position of the end-of-file mark for the file. The end-of-file mark is updated only by subroutines, for example the write subroutine. If the file is mapped by the shmat subroutine and a value is stored into a page past the end-of-file mark, that mark will be updated to include this page when the file is closed or forced to permanent storage.
st_rdev ID of the device. This field is defined only for block or character special files.
st_atime Time when file data was last accessed.
st_mtime Time when file data was last modified.
st_ctime Time when the file status was last changed.
st_blksize Size, in bytes of each block of the file.
st_blocks Number of blocks actually used by the file (measured in the units specified by the DEV_BSIZE constant).
st_gen Generation number of this i-node.
st_type Type of the v-node for the object. This is one of the following values, which are defined in the /usr/include/sys/vnode.h file:
VNON Unallocated object; this should not occur
VBAD Unknown type of object
VREG Regular file
VDIR Directory file
VBLK Block device
VCHR Character device
VLNK Symbolic link
VSOCK Socket
VMPC Multiplexed character device.
st_vfs Virtual file system (VFS) ID, which identifies the VFS that contains the file. By comparing this value with the VFS numbers returned by the mntctl subroutine, the name of the host where the file resides can be identified.
st_vfstype File-system type, as defined in the /usr/include/sys/vmount.h file.
st_flag Flag indicating whether the file or the directory is a virtual mount point. This flag can have the following values:
FS_VMP Indicates that the file is a virtual mount point.
FS_MOUNT Indicates that the file is a virtual mount point.
FS_REMOTE Indicates that the file resides on another machine.
st_uid File owner ID.
st_gid File group ID.

The stat64 data structure (AIX versions 4.2 and later) in the /usr/include/sys/stat.h file returns information for the stat64, fstat64, and lstat64 subroutines. The stat64 structure contains the same fields as the stat structure, with the exception of the following field:

st_size Number of bytes in a file. The st_size field is a 64-bit quantity, allowing file sizes greater than OFF_MAX. The st_size field of the stat64 structure is of the type off64_t.

For remote files, the st_atime, st_mtime, and st_ctime fields contain the time at the server.

The value of the st_atime field can be changed by the following subroutines:

The values of the st_ctime and st_mtime fields can be set by the following subroutines:

In addition, the shmdt subroutine can change the st_mtime field, and the chmod, fchmod, chown, chownx, fchown, and fchownx subroutines can change the st_ctime field.

Because they can create a new object, the open, openx, creat, symlink, mknod, mkdir, and pipe subroutines can set the st_atime, st_ctime, and st_mtime fields.

Implementation Specifics

This file is part of the Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime.

Related Information

The mode.h file, types.h file, vmount.h file.

The chmod subroutine, chownx subroutine, link subroutine, mknod or mkfifo subroutine, openx, open, or creat subroutine, pipe subroutine, read subroutine, shmat subroutine, statx, stat, fstatx, fstat, fullstat, or ffullstat subroutine, unlink subroutine, utime subroutine, write, writex, writev, or writevx subroutine.

The Header Files Overview defines header files, describes how they are used, and lists several of the header files for which information is provided in this documentation.

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