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Files Reference

utmp, wtmp, failedlogin File Format


Describes formats for user and accounting information.


The utmp file, the wtmp file, and the failedlogin file contain records with user and accounting information.

When a user attempts to logs in, the login program writes entries in two files:

On an invalid login attempt, due to an incorrect login name or password, the login program makes an entry in:

The records in these files follow the utmp format, defined in the utmp.h header file.

Implementation Specifics

This file format is part of Accounting Services in the base operating system Extensions 2.


/etc/utmp Contains a record of users logged into the system.
/var/adm/wtmp Contains connect accounting information.
/etc/security/failedlogin Contains a record of invalid login attempts.

Related Information

The fwtmp command, init command, login command, su command, who command.

The utmp.h file, lastlog file format.

Accounting Commands in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Concepts: Operating System and Devices lists accounting commands that run automatically or keyboard commands entered from the keyboard.

Accounting Overview in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Concepts: Operating System and Devices and Setting Up an Accounting System in AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Operating System and Devices.

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