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Base Operating System and Extensions Technical Reference, Volume 1

fp_flush_imprecise Subroutine


Forces imprecise signal delivery.


Standard C Library (libc.a)


#include <fptrap.h>
void fp_flush_imprecise ()


The fp_flush_imprecise subroutine forces any imprecise interrupts to be reported. To ensure that no signals are lost when a program voluntarily exits, use this subroutine in combination with the atexit subroutine.


The following example illustrates using the atexit subroutine to run the fp_flush_imprecise subroutine before a program exits:

#include <fptrap.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
  if (0!=atexit(fp_flush_imprecise))
           puts ("Failure in atexit(fp_flush_imprecise) ");

Implementation Specifics

This subroutine is part of Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime.

Related Information

The atexit subroutine, fp_any_enable, fp_is_enabled, fp_enable_all, fp_enable, fp_disable_all, or fp_disable subroutine, fp_clr_flag, fp_read_flag, fp_swap_flag, or fpset_flag subroutine, fp_cpusync subroutine, fp_trap subroutine sigaction subroutine.

Floating-Point Exceptions Overview in AIX Version 4.3 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs.

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