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Communications Technical Reference, Volume 2

I_FLUSH streamio Operation


Flushes all input or output queues.


The I_FLUSH operation flushes all input or output queues, depending on the value of the arg parameter. Legal values for the arg parameter are:

FLUSHR Flush read queues.
FLUSHW Flush write queues.
FLUSHRW Flush read and write queues.

Error Codes

If unsuccessful, the errno global variable is set to one of the following values:

ENOSR Unable to allocate buffers for flush message due to insufficient STREAMS memory resources.
EINVAL Invalid value for the arg parameter.
ENXIO Hangup received on the fildes parameter.

Implementation Specifics

This operation is part of STREAMS Kernel Extensions.

Related Information

The streamio operations.

The I_FLUSHBAND streamio operation.

The flushband utility, flushq utility.

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