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Communications Technical Reference, Volume 2

I_SETCLTIME streamio Operation


Sets the time that the stream head delays when a stream is closing.


The I_SETCLTIME operation sets the time that the stream head delays when a stream is closing and there is data on the write queues. Before closing each module and driver, the stream head delays closing for the specified length of time to allow the data to be written. Any data left after the delay is flushed.

The arg parameter contains a pointer to the number of milliseconds to delay. This number is rounded up to the nearest legal value on the system. The default delay time is 15 seconds.

Error Codes

If unsuccessful, the errno global variable is set to the following value:

EINVAL The value in the arg parameter is invalid.

Implementation Specifics

This operation is part of STREAMS Kernel Extensions.

Related Information

The streamio operations.

The I_GETCLTIME streamio operation.

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