#include <gl/gl.h> #include <gl/device.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h>
/* * This program illustrates the drawing of anti-aliased lines of * multiple foreground colors on a monochrome background. * * Note that this style of drawing is limited to precisely one * background color. The number of foreground colors is also * limited; * the maximum number of foreground colors is * one-sixteenth of the total number of colormap entries. * * The basic idea behind the algorithm is to divide the available * bitplanes into two groups: those containing the foreground line * colors, and those containing the antialiasing coverage * information. A color-ramp is loaded in the color map ranges * corresponding to the coverage information. The foreground line * drawing colors can be arbitrary. * * Note that proper gamma correction is absolutely vital to * getting antialiased lines that look truly smooth to the user. * The gamma exponent depends on the monitor (specifically, on the * type of phosphors) and therefore needs to be tuned to the model * of the monitor. */
draw_fan() { int i; /* draw fan */
for (i=0; i<= 90; i+=10) { pushmatrix(); rot (-(float) i, 'z'); move (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); draw (0.0, 200.0, 0.0); popmatrix(); }
#define AABLACK 0 #define AAGREEN 16 #define AARED 32 #define AAPURPLE 48 #define AAWHITE 64
/* experimentally determined gamma factor */ double gammy = 2.4;
/* a utility macro used to build the color ramp */ #define ADD_TO_RAMP(COL) \ { \ for (j=0; j<16; j++) { \ col_idx = COL + j; \ rramp[col_idx] = (j*foreground_r + (16-j)*background_r) / 16; \ gramp[col_idx] = (j*foreground_g + (16-j)*background_g) / 16; \ bramp[col_idx] = (j*foreground_b + (16-j)*background_b) / 16; \ rramp[col_idx] = (int) \ (255.0 * pow (((double) rramp[col_idx])/255.0 , 1.0 / gammy)); \ gramp[col_idx] = (int) \ (255.0 * pow (((double) gramp[col_idx])/255.0 , 1.0 / gammy)); \ bramp[col_idx] = (int) \ (255.0 * pow (((double) bramp[col_idx])/255.0 , 1.0 / gammy)); \ } \ }
/* This routine creates an "random" color ramp and loads it */ void load_background_cmap (short background_r, short background_g, short background_b) { int i, j, col_idx; int foreground_r, foreground_g, foreground_b; short rramp[256], gramp[256], bramp[256]; /* update gamma correction factor */ if (getbutton (WKEY)) gammy +=0.02; if (getbutton (SKEY)) gammy -=0.02;
/* create color ramp */
/* AABLACK */ foreground_r = 0; foreground_g = 0; foreground_b = 0; ADD_TO_RAMP (AABLACK); /* AAGREEN */ foreground_r = 0; foreground_g = 255; foreground_b = 0; ADD_TO_RAMP (AAGREEN); /* AARED */ foreground_r = 255; foreground_g = 127; foreground_b = 0; ADD_TO_RAMP (AARED); /* AAPURPLE */ foreground_r = 150; foreground_g = 25; foreground_b = 120; ADD_TO_RAMP (AAPURPLE); /* AAWHITE */ foreground_r = 225; foreground_g = 235; foreground_b = 255; ADD_TO_RAMP (AAWHITE); mapcolors (0, 127, rramp, gramp, bramp); }
#define RRRANDO ( (float) (400*rand()/32767))
/* This routine draws a background of random polygons. * One of five colors are selected randomly. */
void draw_foreground() { int i, j;
color (AABLACK); clear(); linesmooth(TRUE); translate (-100.0, -100.0, 0.0); for (j=0; j<9; j++) { color (16*(5*rand()/32767)); pushmatrix(); translate ( RRRANDO, RRRANDO, 0.0); draw_fan(); popmatrix(); }
main () { int i, j, k, iinc=1, jinc=3, kinc=7;
prefsize (400.0, 400.0); winopen ("antialiased lines"); cmode(); singlebuffer(); gconfig(); save_cmap(); /* create the color ramp--the background color will be black */ load_background_cmap (0, 0, 0); /* draw multicolored line drawing */ draw_foreground(); /* loop until the right mouse button is depressed */ while (!getbutton(RIGHTMOUSE) && !getbutton(ESCKEY)) { /* cycle through a random set of background colors */ i+=iinc; j+=jinc; k+=kinc; if ((i+iinc>5*255) || (i+iinc<0)) { iinc = -iinc; i+=iinc; }
if ((j+jinc>5*255) || (j+jinc<0)) { jinc = -jinc; j+=jinc; }
if ((k+kinc>5*255) || (k+kinc<0)) { kinc = -kinc; k+=kinc; }
if ( i%5 == 0) { load_background_cmap ( (i/5)%255, (j/5)%255,(k/5)%255); } } restore_cmap();
/*This saves the colormap*/ #define lo_end 0 #define hi_end 255 short *CarrayR, *CarrayG, *CarrayB;
save_cmap() { CarrayR = calloc (lo_end+hi_end,sizeof(short)); CarrayG = calloc (lo_end+hi_end,sizeof(short)); CarrayB = calloc (lo_end+hi_end,sizeof(short));
getmcolors ((Int16 const)lo_end,(Int16 const)hi_end, CarrayR, CarrayG, CarrayB); }
/*This restores the colormap*/ restore_cmap() { mapcolors ((Int16 const)lo_end,(Int16 const)hi_end, CarrayR, CarrayG, CarrayB); }
/* Changes: - Added the restoring of the colormap - Added escape key and right mouse exiting cleanly */
The linesmooth subroutine .
Pixel Coverage in GL3.2 Version 4 for AIX: Programming Concepts.