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Kernel and Subsystems Technical Reference, Volume 1

pm_planar_control Kernel Service


Controls power of a specified device on the planar.


#include <sys/pm.h>
int pm_planar_control(DevNumber,DevID,command)
dev_t DevNumber;
int DevID;
int command;


DevNumber Specifies the major minor number of the caller device. If caller is not a device, DevNumber is 0.
DevID Specifies the planar device ID.
command Specifies one of the following:
PM_PLANAR_QUERY Queries supported commands of the kernel service.
PM_PLANAR_ON Turns the device on.
PM_PLANAR_OFF Turns the device off.
PM_PLANAR_LOWPOWER1 Brings the device into low power 1.
PM_PLANAR_LOWPOWER2 Brings the device into low power 2.


The pm_planar_control kernel service turns a device on the planar either on or off.

Return Values

If command is PM_PLANAR_QUERY, OR of the following is returned:





If command is other than PM_PLANAR_QUERY the following is returned:

PM_SUCCESS Indicates successful completion.
PM_ERROR Indicates an error condition.

Execution Environment

The pm_planar_control kernel service can be called from either the process or interrupt environment.

Implementation Specifics

The pm_planar_control kernel service is part of the Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime.

Related Information

The pm_control_parameter subroutine, pm_control_state subroutine, pm_event_query subroutine, pm_battery_control subroutine.

The pm_register_handle kernel service, pm_reqister_planar_contr ol_handle kernel service.

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