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Kernel and Subsystems Technical Reference, Volume 2

Sense Data for the Serial Optical Link Device Driver

Sense Data consists of failure data analyzed by the diagnostic programs. The following sense data applies to all the error log entries related to the Serial Optical Link device driver.

For more information on Serial Optical Link error log entries, refer to "SLA Error Identifiers for the Error Log" in AIX Problem Solving Guide and Reference.

Status 1 Register

0x80000000 Program check
0x40000000 Link check
0x20000000 Internal check
0x10000000 Unexpected frame
0x08000000 Reserved bit 4
0x04000000 Connection recovery complete
0x02000000 Connection recovery in progress
0x01000000 Command reject
0x00800000 Secondary command reject
0x00400000 Response time out
0x00200000 Reserved bit 10
0x00100000 Abort sent
0x00080000 Reserved bit 12
0x00040000 Reserved bit 13
0x00020000 Reserved bit 14
0x00010000 Frame discarded
0x00008000 Busy discarded
0x00004000 Reject discarded
0x00002000 Reserved bit 18
0x00001000 Reserved bit 19
0x00000800 Operation complete
0x00000400 Reserved bit 21
0x00000200 Command pending
0x00000100 Primary frame received
0x00000080 Reserved bit 24
0x00000040 Reserved bit 25
0x00000020 Reserved bit 26
0x00000018 One of following:
0 PU not operational
1 PU stopped
2 PU working 1
3 PU working 2
0x00000004 Reserved bit 28
0x00000003 One of following:
0 LI connect wait
1 LI connect try
2 LI Listen
3 LI running

Status 2 Register

0x80000000 Receive buffer check
0x40000000 Transmit buffer check
0x20000000 Command check
0x10000000 Synch cmd reject
0x08000000 Reserved bit 4
0x04000000 Tag parity check
0x02000000 Buffer parity check
0x01000000 Storage access check
0x00800000 Reset received
0x00400000 Send count error
0x00200000 Address mismatch
0x00100000 Reserved bit 11
0x00080000 Signal failure
0x00040000 Transmit driver fault
0x00020000 Reserved bit 14
0x00010000 Reserved bit 15
0x00008000 Reserved bit 16
0x00004000 Reserved bit 17
0x00002000 Reserved bit 18
0x00001000 Reserved bit 19
0x00000800 Reserved bit 20
0x00000400 Reserved bit 21
0x00000200 Reserved bit 22
0x00000100 Reserved bit 23
0x00000080 Reserved bit 24
0x00000040 OLS received
0x00000020 NOS received
0x00000010 UD received
0x00000008 UDR received
0x00000004 Reserved bit 29
0x00000002 Signal error
0x00000001 No optics card

Related Information

Status Blocks for the Serial Optical Link Device Driver.

SLA Error Identifiers for the Error Log in AIX Problem Solving Guide and Reference.

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