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Performance Toolbox Version 1.2 and 2 for AIX: Guide and Reference


azizo. A powerful tool used to analyze performance recordings.

cascading menu. A submenu of related choices that is invoked when the parent item, is selected. Usually, a choice that offers a cascading menu is designated by an arrow to the right of the choice. Similar to a context line.

context line. Menu items ending in a slash and three dots (/...). The slash and three dots signify that the line itself represents a list at the next hierarchical level. Contrast with statistics lines.

data-consumer. A description of a host, program, or such that receives statistics over the network from the xmservd daemon and prints, post-processes, or otherwise manipulates the raw statistics. Synonymous with client. Contrast with data-supplier.

data-supplier. Describes a host, program, or such that supplies statistics across a network. Synonymous with server. Contrast with data-consumer.

ghost instrument. An empty space in the console where an instrument used to be. Usually caused when a console designed for one system contains instruments not available on the current system. Ghost instruments occupy the space and prevent you from defining a new instrument in that same space and moving or resizing other instruments to use the space.

ghosted. A description of an unavailable choice. Menu items are ghosted or "grayed out" to indicate that a standard choice is not available under the current circumstances.

pixel. An abbreviation for picture element.

pixel map. A three-dimensional array of bits. A pixel map can be thought of as a two-dimensional array of pixels, with each pixel being a value from zero to 2 to the power N -1, where N is the depth of the pixel map.

pixmap. (1) A data type to which icons, originally created as bitmaps, are converted. After this conversion, the appropriate subroutines can generate pixmaps through references to a defaults file, by name, and through an argument list, by pixmap. (2) An abbreviation for pixel map. See pixel map.

radio button. Indicates a fixed set of choices. Only one of the buttons in the set can be selected at a time. A circle with text beside it. The circle is partially filled when a choice is selected.

Remote Statistics Interface (RSi). The Manager API which allows an application program to access statistics from remote nodes (or the local host) through a network interface.

rmss. A tool used to simulate different real memory sizes.

statistic line. The lines in a list that represent a specific value. Contrast with context line.

SiCounter. A value that's incremented continuously. Instruments show the delta (change) in the value between observations, divided by the elapsed time, representing a rate per second.

SiQuantity value. Represents a level, such as memory used or available disk space. The actual observation value is shown by instruments.

stop record. A special type of value record which signals that recording was stopped for a statset and gives the time it happened. This allows programs using the recording file to distinguish between gaps in the recording and variances in recording interval.

System Performance Measurement Interface (Spmi). The Agent API which allows an application program to register custom performance statistics about its own performance or that of some other system component. Once registered, the custom statistics become available to any consumer of statistics, local or remote. Also permits applications to access statistics on the local system without using the network interface. Such applications are called local data-consumer programs.

tabulating windows. Special forms of windows that tabulate the values of an instrument as data is received and will also calculate a line with a weighted average for each value.

tprof. A tool used to determine which part of a program most of the execution time is spent.

xmpeek. A program that allows you to ask any host about the status of its xmservd daemon.

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