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7318 Model S20 Guide and Reference

rlogin Command (Model S20)


Connects a local 7318 terminal session to a remote host.


Standard rlogin

rlogin HostName [ -eEscChar ] [ -l UserName ] [ -8 ] [ -L ] [ -T Term ]

Kerberos rlogin

rlogin HostName [ -eEscChar ] [ -l UserName ] [ -8 ] [ -L ] [ -T Term ] [ -k Realm ] [ -x ]


The rlogin command connects the local terminal to the remote host specified by the HostName parameter. The remote terminal type must be the same as your local terminal type. The terminal or window size is also copied to the remote system if the server supports the option. Changes in size are also reflected. All echoing takes place at the remote site, so that, except for delays, the rlogin command is transparent. Flow control, using Ctrl-S and Ctrl-Q, and flushing of input and output on interrupts are handled properly.


-8 Forces transmission of characters in 8-bit mode. Otherwise, parity bits are stripped except when the remote side's stop and start characters are other than Ctrl-S and Ctrl-Q.
-eEscChar Redefines the ~ (tilde) escape character to the character specified by the EscChar variable. There is no space between the -e flag and the characters specified by the EscChar variable.
-l UserName Specifies a user name that the rlogin command supplies to the remote host. If the UserName variable is not specified, the 7318 uses the user name set for this port in the configuration file or the user name specified to the login command.
-L Allows the rlogin session to run without any output post-processing. A line of the form ~. (tilde, period) disconnects from the remote host, where ~ (tilde) is the escape character. You can specify a different escape character, using the -e flag.
-T Term Specifies the terminal type that the rlogin command supplies to the remote host. If you do not specify this flag, the rlogin command supplies the terminal type stored in the TERM environment variable to the remote host.

When Kerberos is enabled, the rlogin command has the following additional flags and features:

-k Realm Requests the rlogin command to obtain tickets for the remote host in the specified realm.
-x Turns on Data Encryption Standard (DES) for all data passed using the rlogin session.
  1. Using the -x flag significantly affects response time and increases CPU usage.
  2. The -x flag is not available on 7318s sold outside the United States and Canada.

Related Information

7318 Model S20 telnet Command .

Establishing an Identity with the Login Command.

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