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7318 Model S20 Guide and Reference

7318 Command Session

The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) feature of the S20 package provides a set of utility commands used for various terminal session management functions: for example, for setting TTY characteristics (stty command) or terminating sessions that are no longer needed (kill command).

The TCP/IP feature of the Model S20 enables terminal users to log in to any system on the local area network (LAN) to which the 7318 is connected. The LAN must support the TCP/IP protocol suite and the telnet and rlogin virtual terminal protocols. Since these protocols are widely implemented across a broad range of both AIX and non-AIX computer systems, the S20 considerably expands the facilities available to you.

The Model S20 provides three commands for accessing remote systems. These commands are telnet, rlogin, and tn3270. They are based directly on the AIX commands.

Information in "Multiple Sessions" in AIX Versions 3.2 and 4 Asynchronous Communications Guide describes the concept of multiple sessions. For terminals connected directly to the 7318, this feature provides the ability to conduct multiple terminal sessions with one or more host computers simultaneously.

With the addition of the S20 package, you can configure ports as command sessions, resulting in an interface similar to an AIX command shell. A port configured as a command session allows you access to a limited set of commands that look much like their counterparts in AIX. These commands allow you to:

Once you have logged in to a port that is configured for a command session, you may initiate up to six additional dynamic sessions with the telnet, rlogin, and tn3270 commands. Refer to "Adding Dynamic Sessions" for information on configuring dynamic sessions.

The following information details the commands available to system administrators and users using the Model S20 command session.

The commands are grouped in two classes:

Privileged Specifies commands for use by the system administrator. System administration commands are called privileged because the administrator must be in password privilege mode before using them. Use the admin command to enter password privilege mode.
Nonprivileged Specifies commands for general use by a user.

Privileged Commands (System Administrator)

The following commands require password privilege mode. To enter password privilege mode, use the admin command. If a password has been set, use the admin Password command.

date Command


Displays the current date and time.


date [ -u yymmddhhmm .ss ] ]


The date command displays the current date and time. The -u flag displays the date in universal time (GMT). If you specify the yymmddhhmm variable, the system date and time are changed to year (yy), month (mm), day (dd), hour (hh), and minute (mm). You can add the .ss parameter to set the seconds. The command session must be in password privilege mode to set the system's date and time.

password Command


Adds users, removes users, or changes user passwords in the password database.


password -a User

password -r User



The password command is entered at a 7318 S20 command session prompt ('>>' or '#>>'). It is used by the system administrator to add or remove users from the 7318's password database and by general users to change their passwords. To use this command, the passwords=1 line should appear in the [Command] section of the configuration file.


-a User Adds the user to the 7318 password database. The command prompts the system administrator for the password and also prompts for a confirmation. This flag is only valid in password-protected mode.
-r User Removes the user from the 7318 password database. This flag is only valid in password-protected mode. The user admin cannot be deleted.

If no flags are used, you will be prompted to enter a new password and confirm it by re-entering it. The password can consist of up to 12 printable ASCII characters.

For more information, see "Security" .

reboot Command


Restarts the 7318.


reboot [ -u ] [ -p LoadFile ]


Attention: Issuing this command immediately stops the 7318 without notice to anyone attached to the unit.

The reboot command restarts the 7318. The command session must be in password privilege mode to use this command. The -u flag forces the current load image to upload to the load host. The -p flag specifies an alternate load file (the LoadFile variable) rather than the one specified in the nonvolatile RAM.

reset Command


Resets a port.


reset com Port

reset lpt Port

Attention: Issuing this command immediately disconnects a user on the specified port.


The reset command terminates all sessions attached to a port or restarts the service associated with a port. Acceptable values for the Port parameter are 0 through 15 for the serial ports (com), and 1 and 2 for the parallel ports (lpt).

set Command


Changes a command session or system-wide parameter to a new setting.


set arp -d HostName

set arp -s HostName EthernetAddress [temp] [pub] [trail]

set kerberos Value

set route [-f ] [ add Destination Gateway Metric ]

set route [-f ] [ delete Destination Gateway ]

set term TermType


The set command changes a command session parameter or system-wide parameter to a new setting. The command session must be in password privilege mode to use this command. The set command runs with one of the following items:

arp Adds or deletes the host name specified by the HostName parameter into the system's network ARP table with the network address specified by the EthernetAddress parameter. The following flags and arguments can be used with the set arp command:
-d Deletes the host specified by the HostName parameter from the system's ARP table.
-s Adds the host specified by the HostName and EthernetAddress parameters from the system's ARP table.
temp Specifies that this ARP table entry is temporary. The table entry is permanent if this argument is omitted.
pub Specifies that this ARP table entry is to be published, and that this system will act as an ARP server responding to requests for the host specified by the HostName parameter, even though the host address is not its own.
kerberos Turns kerberos on or off for the entire system. The Value parameter can be set to on and off.
route Adds or deletes the destination specified by the Destination parameter to the system's network routing table, with the gateway host specified by the Gateway parameter and a distance, in hops, as specified by the Metric parameter.
-f Flushes the system's routing table.
add Adds the route specified by the Destination parameter.
delete Deletes the route specified by the Destination parameter.
term Sets terminal type.
Note: The set term TermType option does not require password privilege mode.

Nonprivileged Commands (General User)

The following commands do not require password privilege mode:

admin Command


Places the command session into password privilege mode.


admin Password


The admin command places the command session into password privilege mode. The command prompts the user for a password, a prerequisite for running privileged commands. The administrator can set this password from the BIOS console by using the set password command. When in console mode, the command prompt changes from >> to #>>. Refer to "BIOS Console Configuration Commands" for more information on the set password command.

exit or logout Command


Terminates the current command session.





Both the exit and logout commands terminate the current command session. If the command session is in password privilege mode, the exit command returns the command session to the normal mode. Otherwise, all dynamic sessions are terminated, and the command session restarts the login process.

fg Command


Makes the specified session the active session.


fg Session


The fg (foreground) command makes the specified session the active session. The Session parameter specifies, by number, one of the currently suspended sessions. The jobs command lists the suspended sessions and their respective session numbers.

help or ? Command


Prints a list of available commands.


help [ Command ]

? [ Command ]


Both the help and ? (question mark) commands print a list of available commands. If you supply the Command parameter, a usage line displays for the specified command.

jobs Command


Displays a list of the currently suspended sessions.




The jobs command displays a list of currently suspended sessions and their corresponding session numbers.

kill Command


Terminates the suspended session addressed in the command line.


kill Session


The kill command terminates the suspended session addressed in the command line. The Session parameter specifies, by number, one of the currently suspended sessions. The jobs command lists the suspended sessions and their respective session numbers.

kinit Command


Ends the suspended session addressed in the command line.




The kinit command stops all active sessions on the user's port and presents the user with a login prompt. This command effectively renews the ticket-granting ticket once the user logs in again.

klist Command


Lists ticket granting and service granting tickets.




The klist command is used to list a user's Kerberos tickets. The command lists both ticket-granting tickets and service-granting tickets.

login Command


Restarts the login process.


login UserName


The login command restarts the login process. The user name associated with the command session changes to that specified by the UserName parameter. If Kerberos or password checking is active, the login command requests a password and verifies the user name before accepting the new user. These security options are described in "Security" . If the login process fails, the command session (if any) remains intact. If the newly specified user name differs from the old user name, all dynamic sessions terminate.

The login command specifies the name to be used by default each time you give the rlogin or telnet command without the -l flag.

If you do not use the login command to identify yourself (or the configuration file does not specify your login ID for the port you are using), the rlogin command cannot automatically identify you to remote AIX hosts when attempting to establish a terminal session. The system administrator can configure the 7318 with default user IDs to eliminate the need to supply one with the login command. This is useful when the same person uses the terminal all the time.

Once you complete the login process, you can use any of the TCP/IP commands. These commands (for example, the rlogin command) use your 7318 login ID to automatically identify you to remote AIX systems. For the automatic identification process to work, your 7318 user ID must match a remote user ID on the host computer.

The system administrator can configure a general login sequence resembling a session on an AIX host computer. This is the case when Kerberos or passwords are enabled and a terminal is connected to a port that has been configured for a command session. A login prompt displays on the terminal, and you must type a user ID and password. If Kerberos or passwords are not enabled, the >> command shell prompt displays, and you must identify yourself to the 7318 by using the login command. Otherwise your user ID will default to nobody, which the rlogin command will then pass with the subsequent request:

nobody's Password:

ping Command


Monitors whether a remote host is attached to the network and available.


ping HostName [ TimeOut ]


The ping command sends a UDP ICMP ECHO_REQUEST datagram to the remote host specified by the HostName parameter and waits for an ICMP ECHO_RESPONSE datagram from that remote host. Upon receipt of the ECHO_RESPONSE datagram, the ping command informs the user: HostName is alive. The command shell ping command differs from the cnsview -c ping command. The former monitors a remote host and the latter monitors a 7318 machine. The TimeOut parameter specifies how many seconds to wait for the ECHO_RESPONSE datagram. The default is 20 seconds.

ppp Command


Starts a PPP session on a port from an S20 command session.


ppp [ -s Source ] [ -d Dest ] [ -m MruSize ] [ -a Accm ] [ -nxpv ]


The ppp command starts a PPP session on the port on which it was issued. Once the PPP session is started, the port will not return to command mode until the session is terminated and the port is reset.

Using the ppp command to start the sessions can require a user to first login to the 7318. Otherwise, the PAP feature may provide secure access.

For a more complete description of some of the flags, see the description of the flag for the [PPPNN] section .


-s Source Sets the source internet address. If the Source parameter is specified in the configuration file as: the -s flag must be used on the command line. the ppp command is disabled.
other the ppp command is enabled, and the -s flag is optional on the command line, taking the value specified in the configuration file as the default.
-d Dest Sets the destination internet address. If the Dest parameter is specified in the configuration file as: The -d flag must be used on the command line. The ppp command is disabled for this port.
other The ppp command is enabled, and the -d flag is optional on the command line, taking the value specified in the configuration file as the default.
-m MruSize Sets the maximum Message size to MruSize (mru).
-a Accm Sets the ACCM (Asynchronous Control Map) map (accm).
-n Disables magic number negotiation (nomgc).
-x Enables address compression (accomp).
-p Enables protocol compression (protocomp).
-v Enables VJ compression.

slip Command


Starts a SLIP session on a port from an S20 command session.


slip [ -s Source ] [ -d Dest ] [ -a ] [ -c ] [ -i ] [ -m MruSize ]


The slip command starts a SLIP session on the port from which it was issued. Once the SLIP session is started, the port will not return to command mode until the session is terminated and the port is reset.

Using the slip command to start the sessions may require a user to first login to the 7318.

For a more complete description of some of the flags, see the description of the flag for the [SLIPNN] section .


-s Source Sets the source internet address. If the Source parameter is specified in the configuration file as: The -s flag must be used on the command line. The slip command is disabled.
other The slip command is enabled, and the -s flag is optional on the command line, taking the value specified in the configuration file as the default.
-d Dest Sets the destination internet address. If the Dest parameter is specified in the configuration file as: The -d flag must be used on the command line. The slip command is disabled for this port.
other The slip command is enabled, and the -d flag is optional on the command line, taking the value specified in the configuration file as the default.
-a Enables compression detection (compression=2).
-c Forces compression (compression=1).
-i Disables ICMP messages (icmp=suppress).
-m MruSize Sets the maximum Message Size to MruSize (maxpkt).

show Command


Displays information related to a command session parameter or system-wide parameter.


show Option


The show command displays information related to a command session parameter or system-wide parameter. The Option parameter may be one of the following:

arp Displays the system's network Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table.
kerberos Displays the status of Kerberos, either on or off.
route Displays the system's network routing table.
users Displays users if the password entry is enabled in the s20.cfg file.
term Displays the terminal type.
devmap Displays logical information about port connections. The show devmap command returns the following information:
station Displays the Ethernet address of the 7318.
port Displays the physical port number.
session Displays the logical session number.
log Displays error log.

stats Command


Displays system-wide statistics.


stats [ Module ]


The stats command displays system-wide statistics for the specified streams modules. The Module parameter specifies a subset of statistics to display. The Module parameter can have the following possible values:

stty Command


Sets terminal I/O states for the command session.


stty [ Option ] ...


The stty command sets terminal I/O states for the command session. If you use the command without options, it displays the current terminal I/O settings.

Normally, you can change or view only the settings on the local serial port. The command session must be in console mode to use this option. Use the Option parameter to set a specific terminal I/O characteristic. The following values are possible for the Option parameter:

baud hupcl noflsh
brkint icanon ocrnl
clocal icrnl ofdel
cread iexten ofill
csize ignbrk olcuc
cstopb igncr onlcr
echo ignpar onlret
echoctl imaxbel onocr
echoe inlcr opost
echok inpck parenb
echoke intr parmrk
echonl isig parodd
echoprt istrip pendin
eof iuclc quit
eol ixany slew
eol2 ixoff tostop
erase ixon xcase
flusho kill

tn3270 Command


Connects a local terminal to a remote IBM 3270 host.


tn3270 HostName


The tn3270 command connects a local terminal to the specified remote host, using TN3270 terminal emulation on top of the telnet protocol. To exit the tn3270 command, type the Ctrl-C key sequence and then type a lowercase q.

You can map certain keys and function keys to 3270-keyboard (console) mapping. Attributes (such as reverse video and graphics characters) will be emulated if possible, limited to the capabilities of your terminal. If you are using the telnet command in 3270 mode on a color display, the colors and fields are displayed just as those on a IBM 3270 display, by default.

To use the tn3270 command, you need a terminal that has cursor addressability. If your terminal has other features, for example, color, reverse video, or standout mode, the tn3270 command uses these capabilities in its emulation. The tn3270 command uses the information in your environment to determine your terminal type. Refer to "Defining TN3270 Keyboard Mapping" for more information on the termcfg command and mapping terminal keyboards.

whoami Command


Displays the user name currently associated with the serial port.




The whoami command displays the user name currently associated with the serial port.

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