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7318 Model S20 Guide and Reference

Appendix K: 7318 System Errors

The following errors are listed by the module that issues the error. These errors are logged in the AIX error log. Use the AIX command errpt to generate reports from the log.

CMD Module Errors

CMD Module Errors
Error # Description: Resolution:
cmd001 Session number missing from configuration file. Revise session section number in configuration file.
cmd002 Invalid application in configuration file session section. Revise application name in session section number in configuration file to be one of the support session types.
cmd003 Module open failed during command session initialization. Revise configuration file or disable external host accessing device.
cmd004 Not enough memory to complete application initialization. Simplify configuration file or install more memory in 7318.
cmd005 Configuration file error. Application string too long. Shorten application entry in configuration file session section.
cmd006 Configuration file error. Too many arguments application string. Shorten application entry in configuration file session section.
cmd007 Configuration file error. Invalid section. Revise configuration file.
cmd008 Configuration file error. Invalid device name. Revise device name in configuration file.
cmd009 Configuration file error. Invalid port number. Revise port number in configuration file.
cmd010 Configuration file error. Invalid session number. Revise session section number in configuration file.
cmd011 Configuration file error. Invalid LDT device. Revise port number in configuration file section.
cmd012 Configuration file error. Attempt to redefine session on port. Disable console or command section for port.
cmd013 Configuration file error. Port requires command a session. Add session section to port with application equal to command.
cmd014 Internal error. Report error number and circumstances to technical support.
cmd015 Configuration file error. Both Kerberos and Passwords are active. Disable Kerberos or passwords in the configuration file.
cmd016 Configuration file error. No time rules specified. Add time rule to the configuration file.
cmd017 Configuration file error. Bad effective date for time rules. Revise time rule in the configuration file.
cmd018 Configuration file error. Bad time zone name for time rule. Revise time rule in the configuration file.
cmd019 Configuration file error. Bad offset for time rule. Revise time rule in the configuration file.

CS Module Errors

CS Module Errors
Error # Description Resolution
cs001 Text checksum failed. Reboot the 7318 or check the hardware. Possible memory error. Power-cycle 7318. If problem persists, report to technical support.
cs002 Insufficient memory to run operating kernel; rebooting. You do not have enough memory to run this package. Add memory to 7318.
cs003 Operating kernel requires configuration file; rebooting. Verify accessibility of configuration file.
cs004 Powerup selftest was not run. None. This is informational only.
cs005 Incorrect operating image for the hardware. The executable image is not supported on this hardware. Make sure you are booting the executable image for this product.
cs006 Incorrect operating image (P10) for the hardware. The executable image is not supported on this hardware. Make sure you are booting the executable image for this product.
cs007 Invalid operating image (S20) for the hardware. The executable image is not supported on this hardware. Make sure you are booting the executable image for this product.

Exec Module Errors

Exec Module Errors
Error # Description Resolution
exec001 Reboot command issued. None. This is informational only.
exec002 Relogged previous panic. Report log entry from panic to technical support.

HRS Module Errors

HRS Module Errors
Error # Description Resolution
hrs001 Incorrect address type. Change address type in configuration file section.
hrs002 Incorrect interface type. Change interface type in configuration file section.
hrs003 Cannot set primary and backup interface the same. Change one of the interfaces in configuration file section.
hrs004 No reliable server specified. Specify server in configuration file section.
hrs005 Bad reliable server address. Change address in configuration file section.
hrs006 No primary host specified. Define primary host in configuration file section.
hrs007 No backup host specified. Define backup host in configuration file section.
hrs008 Bad primary host address. Change address in configuration file section.
hrs009 Bad backup host address. Change address in configuration file section.
hrs010 Bad backup Internet address. Change address in configuration file section.
hrs011 Bad backup network mask. Change network mask in configuration file section.
hrs012 Cannot specify backup network mask without backup Internet address. Change address in configuration file section.
hrs013 Bad backup gateway address. Change address in configuration file section.
hrs014 Switch from primary to backup interface. None required, informational only.

Kerberos Module Errors

Kerberos Module Errors
Error # Description Resolution
kerberos001 Bad enable value. Kerberos is disable. Change the enable value in the Kerberos section of the configuration file.
kerberos002 No realm specified. Kerberos is disabled. Change the realm value in the Kerberos section of the configuration.
kerberos003 Missing IP address for authorization server. Kerberos is disabled. Add the IP address for authorization server in Kerberos section of the configuration file.
kerberos004 Incorrect IP address for authorization server. Kerberos is disabled. Change the IP address for the authorization server in the Kerberos section of the configuration file.
kerberos005 Incorrect clock synchronization timeout. Using defaults instead. Change the clock synchronization timeout value in the Kerberos section of the configuration file.
kerberos006 Incorrect port number for authentication service. Using default instead. Change the port number in the Kerberos section of the configuration file.
kerberos007 Incorrect port number for kerberized rlogin service. Using default instead. Change the port number in the Kerberos section of the configuration file.
kerberos008 Incorrect port number for non-encrypted kerberized rlogin service. Using default instead. Change the port number in the Kerberos section of the configuration file.
kerberos009 Incorrect port number for encrypted kerberized rlogin service. Using defaults instead. Change the port number in the Kerberos section of the configuration file.
kerberos010 Incorrect ticket life. Using default instead. Change the ticket life value in the Kerberos section of the configuration file.
kerberos011 Incorrect renewable ticket life. Using default instead. Change the renewable ticket life value in the Kerberos section of the configuration file.

Kernel Module Errors

Kernel Module Errors
Error # Description Resolution
kernel001 Internal error. Kernel asserted. Try to get an upload and report it to technical support.
kernel002 Bad numeric decode in configuration. Revise the configuration file.

LDT Module Errors

LDT Module Errors
Error # Description Resolution
ldt001 Incorrect configuration file transparent print parameters. Revise configuration file.
ldt002 Incorrect configuration file data in numbered session section. Revise configuration file.
ldt003 Incorrect configuration file data in hot key entry. Revise configuration file hot key definitions.
ldt004 Incorrect configuration file data, too many hot keys. Reduce the number of hot keys defined in configuration file section.

Log Module Errors

Log Module Errors
Error # Description Resolution
log001 Host Message. None required. Informational only.

PPP Module Errors

PPP Module Errors
Error # Description Resolution
ppp001 Incorrect number of PPP sections. Reduce number of [PPP] sections in configuration file.
ppp002 Incorrect device name. Change device name in configuration file [PPP] section.
ppp003 Bad source address. Change source address in configuration file [PPP] section.
ppp004 Bad destination address. Change destination address in configuration file [PPP] section.
ppp005 Bad inactivity timeout. Change activity timeout in configuration file [PPP] section.
ppp006 Bad restart timeout. Change restart timeout in configuration file [PPP] section.
ppp007 Bad maximum number PPP configure request retries. Change configure request retries in configuration file [PPP] section.
ppp008 Bad maximum number configuration negative acknowledgement retires. Change configuration negative acknowledgement retries in configuration file [PPP] section.
ppp009 Bad MRU. Change MRU in configuration file [PPP] section.
ppp010 Bad asynchronous control character map. Change asynchronous control character map in configuration file [PPP] section.
ppp011 Bad PAP flag. Change PAP flag in configuration file [PPP] section.
ppp012 Bad magic number negotiation flag. Change magic number negotiation in configuration file [PPP] section.
ppp013 Bad address-control field compression flag. Change restart timeout in configuration file [PPP] sectionppp0.
ppp014 Bad protocol field compression flag. Change protocol field compression flag in configuration file [PPP] section.
ppp015 Bad IP address negotiation flag. Change IP address negation flag in configuration file [PPP] section.
ppp016 Bad new address flag. Change new address flag in configuration file [PPP] section.
ppp017 Bad VJ compression flag. Change VJ compression flag in configuration file [PPP] section.
ppp018 Device open failed. None.
ppp019 PPP open failed. (possibly out of memory). None.
ppp020 Warning: ixon mismatch with async map compensating. Disable ixon in the port section, stty entry, of the configuration file or change the acc map in the PPP section
ppp021 Warning: ixoff mismatch with async map compensating. Disable ixoff in the port section, stty entry, of the configuration file or change the acc map in the PPP section.
ppp022 Warning: ixany mismatch with async compensating. Disable ixany in the port section, stty entry, of the configuration file.
ppp023 Warning: cs8 is disabled; enabling. Enable cs8 in the port section, stty entry, of the configuration file.
ppp024 PPP IP address option failed. IP address negotiation is not supported. Change the destination IP address configuration.
ppp025 PPP link up. None. This is informational only.
ppp026 PPP link down. None. This is informational only.
ppp027 PPP link down. None. This is informational only.
ppp028 PPP invalid default source address. Default source address not or
ppp029 PPP invalid default destination address. Default destination address not or
ppp030 PPP couldn't get memory for internal structure. Out of memory.
ppp031 PPP device specified invalid. Be sure device=com is set in [PPPNN] sections.

Session Module Errors

Session Module Errors
Error # Description Resolution
session001 SPX link up. None. This is informational only.
session002 SPX link failed. Verify the host is online and the Ethernet connection is complete.
session003 SPX link down. None. This is informational only.
session004 SPX link down; malformed packet. Report to technical support.
session005 Packet protocol violation. Report to technical support.
session006 Host credit violation on received data. Report to technical support.
session007 Host sending incorrect protocol number in packets. Report to technical support.
session008 Host sending incorrect STREAMS module in open packet. Report to technical support.
session009 Incorrect lan0 address in configuration. Change the address in the IPX configuration file section.
session010 Incorrect lan1 address in configuration. Change the address in the IPX configuration file section.
session011 Incorrect lan2 address in configuration. Change the address in the IPX configuration file section.
session012 Bad framing type specified for SPX/IPX. Change the frametype entry in the IPX configuration file section.

SIO Module Errors

SIO Module Errors
Error # Description Resolution
sio001 Incorrect configuration file entry. Revise the configuration file.
sio002 Unable to set the configuration file value. Revise the configuration file.
sio003 No STREAMS resources. Reduce the number of sessions or services in use.
sio004 Excessive line errors; temporarily disabling port. Verify the data rate, parity, or character size on the port matches the attached device. Improve the physical connection with the shorter cable or slower data rate.
sio005 Power-on self test failed. Power-on the cycle unit and re-verify. If the problem continues, stop using the port or return the Connection Station for repair.
sio006 Requested poll time is below the minimum acceptable value. Change the pollTime value in the port section of the configuration file.

SLIP Module Errors

SLIP Module Errors
Error # Description Resolution
slip001 Attempt to start more than the maximum number of slip jobs. Reduce the number of [Slip] sections in the configuration file.
slip002 Incorrect device name. Change the device name in the configuration file [Slip] section.
slip003 Missing source address. Provide the source address in the configuration file [Slip] section.
slip004 Incorrect source address. Change the source address in the configuration file [Slip] section.
slip005 Missing destination address. Provide the destination address in the configuration file [Slip] section.
slip006 Incorrect destination address. Change the destination address in the configuration file [Slip] section.
slip007 Incorrect compression option. Change the compression option in the configuration file [Slip] section.
slip008 Device open failed. Verify the port functionally. Verify the port is not used by another function.
slip009 SLIP open failed; possibly out of memory. Reduce the system load.
slip010 Warning: ixon is enabled; disabling. Disable ixon in the port section, stty entry, of the configuration file or change the acc map in the PPP section
slip011 Warning: ixoff is enabled; disabling. Disable ixoff in the port section, stty entry, of the configuration file or change the acc map in the PPP section.
slip012 Warning: ixany is enabled; disabling. Disable ixany in the port section, stty entry, of the configuration file.
slip013 Warning: cs8 is disabled; enabling. Enable cs8 in the port section, stty entry, of the configuration file.

SPX Module Errors

SPX Module Errors
Error # Description Resolution
spx001 SPX link is disconnected in the transmit timeout routine. Check the LAN interface and MAC statistics for Ethernet problems. Check for low memory and reduce the load if necessary.
spx002 SPX link is disconnected because of a bad sequence number. Report to technical support.
spx003 Interval of 0 is illegal; defaulting. Change the configuration file in the SPX section.
spx004 Transmit retries of 0 is illegal; defaulting. Change the configuration file in the SPX section.
spx005 Receive retries of 0 is illegal; defaulting. Change the configuration file in the SPX section.

TCP Module Errors

TCP Module Errors
Error # Description Resolution
tcp001 Cannot find route to the default gateway. Change the gateway address in NVRAM, bootptab, or the configuration file.
tcp002 Attempt to configure local IP address as Define IP address in NVRAM, bootptab, or the configuration file.
tcp003 Unable to initialize the TCP/IP protocol stack. Report to technical support.
tcp004 BOOTP record contains no vendor record. None. This is informational only.
tcp005 Too many static host entries. Ignoring extras. Reduce the number of hosts defined in the configuration file.
tcp006 Too many name server entries. Ignoring extras. Reduce the number of name servers defined in the configuration file.
tcp007 Conflicting host and domain names in configuration file. Change the host name or domain name.
tcp008 Missing nameserver entry. Change the number of nameservers defined in the configuration file.
tcp009 No nameservers specified for the system. None. This is informational only.
tcp010 Terminal escape string corrupted. Change the terminal escape string in the configuration file.
tcp011 Terminal keymap size is not specified. Add the keymaps size to the keymap section of the configuration file.
tcp012 Missing keymap section. Change the number of keymaps defined in the configuration file.
tcp013 Keymap section corrupted. Change the keymap section in the configuration file.
tcp014 Missing host entry. Add the host section to the configuration file or change bhosts value.
tcp015 Bad IP address. Change the IP address in the configuration file.
tcp016 Illegal frametype specified for the TCP stacks. Change the frametype value in the TCP section of the configuration file.

Telnetd Module Errors

TCP Module Errors
Error # Description Resolution
telnet001 Incorrect number of [Telnetd] sections. Add the [Telnetd] sections to the configuration file.
telnet002 Incorrect device entry. Change the device entry in the configuration file [Telnetd] section.
telnet003 No valid devices. Change the device entry or port numbers in the configuration file [Telnetd] section.
telnet004 Incorrect device name. Change the device entry in the configuration file [Telnetd] section.
telnet005 Bad port number. Change the port numbers in the configuration file [Telnetd] section.
telnet006 Bad timeout. Change the timeout value in the configuration file [Telnetd] section.
telnet007 Bad mode. Change the mode value in the configuration file [Telnetd] section.
telnet008 Device open failed. Verify the port status and that it is not being used by another function.

TN3270 Errors

Error Description
TCP_ERR_TERM_ESC_SIZE_CORRUPT Terminal escape string corrupt.
TCP_ERR_TERM_KEYMAP_SIZE_NOT_SPECIFIED Terminal keymap size not specified.
TCP_ERR_MISSING_HOST_ENTRY Missing host entry. This message will be generated when the number of [HostNN] sections is less than specified by the nhosts entry of the [Hosts] section. The recommended action is to provide the [HostNN] section.
TCP_ERR_INVALID_IPADDR_PARAM Bad IP address. This message is generated when a [HostNN] section has a hostaddr entry with text that does not properly specify an IP address. The recommended action is to provide an IP address in the form:

where the d parameter is a digit from 0 - 9.

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