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Assembler Language Reference

.byte Pseudo-op


Assembles specified values represented by the Expression parameter into consecutive bytes.


.byte Expression[,Expression...]


The .byte pseudo-op changes an expression or a string of expressions into consecutive bytes of data. ASCII character constants (for example, 'X) and string constants (for example, Hello, world) can also be assembled using the .byte pseudo-op. Each letter will be assembled into consecutive bytes. However, an expression cannot contain externally defined symbols. Also, an expression value longer than one byte will be truncated on the left.


Expression Specifies a value that is assembled into consecutive bytes.


The following example demonstrates the use of the .byte pseudo-op:

        .set olddata,0xCC
        .csect data[rw]
mine:   .byte 0x3F,0x7+0xA,olddata,0xFF
# Load GPR 3 with the address of csect data[rw].
        .csect text[pr]
        l 3,mine(4)
# GPR 3 now holds 0x3F11 CCFF.
# Character constants can be represented in
# several ways:
        .csect data[rw]
        .byte "Hello, world"
        .byte 'H,'e,'l,'l,'o,',,' ,'w,'o,'r,'l,'d
# Both of the .byte statements will produce
# 0x4865 6C6C 6F2C 2077 6F72 6C64.

Related Information

Pseudo-ops Overview.

The .string pseudo-op, .vbyte pseudo-op.

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