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Assembler Language Reference

crorc (Condition Register OR with Complement) Instruction


Places the result of ORing a Condition Register bit and the complement of a Condition Register bit in a Condition Register bit.


crorc BT,BA,BB


The crorc instruction logically ORs the Condition Register bit specified by BA and the complement of the Condition Register bit specified by BB and places the result in the target Condition Register bit specified by BT.

The crorc instruction has one syntax form and does not affect the Fixed-Point Exception Register.


BT Specifies target Condition Register bit where result of operation is stored.
BA Specifies source Condition Register bit for operation.
BB Specifies source Condition Register bit for operation.


The following code places the result of ORing Condition Register bit 8 and the complement of Condition Register bit 4 into Condition Register bit 4:

# Assume Condition Register bit 8 is 1.
# Assume Condition Register bit 4 is 0.
crorc 4,8,4
# Condition Register bit 4 is now 1.

Related Information

Branch Processor .

Condition Register Instructions .

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