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Assembler Language Reference

Extended Mnemonics of Fixed-Point Compare Instructions

The extended mnemonics for fixed-point compare instructions are shown in the following table. The input format of operands are different for POWER and PowerPC. A new L field is added for PowerPC to support 64-bit implementations. This field must have a value of 0 for 32-bit implementations. Since the POWER architecture supports only 32-bit implementations, this field does not exist in POWER. The assembler ensures that this bit is set to 0 for POWER implementations. These extended mnemonics are in the com assembly mode.

Fixed-Point Compare Instruction Extended Mnemonics
Extended Mnemonic Equivalent to Meaning
cmpdi ra, value cmpi 0, 1, ra, value Compare Word Immediate
cmpwi bf, ra, si cmpi bf, 0, ra, si Compare Word Immediate
cmpd ra, rb cmp 0, 1, ra, rb Compare Word
cmpw bf, ra, rb cmp bf, 0, ra, rb Compare Word
cmpldi rA, value cmpli 0, 1, ra, value Compare Logical Word Immediate
cmplwi bf, ra, ui cmpli bf, 0, ra, ui Compare Logical Word Immediate
cmpld ra, rb cmpl 0, 1, ra, rb Compare Logical Word
cmplw bf, ra, rb cmpl bf, 0, ra, rb Compare Logical Word

Related Information

Extended Instruction Mnemonics Overview.

Extended Mnemonics of Branch Instructions.

Extended Mnemonics of Condition Register Logical Instructions.

Extended Mnemonics of Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions.

Extended Mnemonics of Fixed-Point Load Instructions.

Extended Mnemonics of Fixed-Point Logical Instructions.

Extended Mnemonics of Fixed-Point Trap Instructions.

Extended Mnemonics of Moving from or to Special-Purpose Registers.

Extended Mnemonics of Fixed-Point Rotate and Shift Instructions.

The cmpi (Compare Immediate) instruction, cmp (Compare) instruction, cmpli (Compare Logical Immediate) instruction, cmpl (Compare Logical) instruction.

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