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Assembler Language Reference

Extended Mnemonics of Fixed-Point Load Instructions

The following table shows the extended mnemonics for fixed-point load instructions for POWER and PowerPC. These extended mnemonics are in the com assembly mode.

Fixed-Point Load Instruction Extended Mnemonics
Extended Mnemonic Equivalent to Meaning
li rx, value addi rx, 0, value Load Immediate
la rx, disp(ry) addi rx, ry, disp Load Address
lil rt, value cal rt, value(0) Load Immediate Lower
liu rt, value cau rt, 0, value Load Immediate Upper
lis rx, value addis rx, 0, value Load Immediate Shifted

Related Information

Extended Instruction Mnemonics Overview.

Extended Mnemonics of Branch Instructions.

Extended Mnemonics of Condition Register Logical Instructions.

Extended Mnemonics of Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions.

Extended Mnemonics of Fixed-Point Compare Instructions.

Extended Mnemonics of Fixed-Point Logical Instructions.

Extended Mnemonics of Fixed-Point Trap Instructions.

Extended Mnemonics of Moving from or to Special-Purpose Registers.

Extended Mnemonics of Fixed-Point Rotate and Shift Instructions.

The addi (Add Immediate) or cal (Compute Address Lower) instruction, addis or cau (Add Immediate Shifted) instruction.

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