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Assembler Language Reference

ldx (Store Double Word Indexed) Instruction


Load a double-word from a specified memory location into a general purpose register.


ldx RT, RA, RB


The ldx instruction loads a double-word from the specified memory location referenced by the effective address (EA) into the general-purpose register (GPR) RT.

If GRP RA is not 0, the EA is the sum of the contents of GRP RA and B; otherwise, the EA is equal to the contents of RB.


RT Specifies target general-purpose register where result of operation is stored.
RA Specifies source general-purpose register for EA calculation.
RB Specifies source general-purpose register for EA calculation.


This instruction is defined only for 64-bit implementations. Using it on a 32-bit implementation will cause the system illegal instruction error handler to be invoked.

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